Overseas free phone number sorting Google Voice, Sonetel, Text free, Textnow - for SMS and voice verification

Recently, because registering for Alibaba Cloud International Edition requires overseas phone verification, I remembered the free Internet phone calls I had used when playing with free space and free VPS hosting. Text free and Textnow are two free Internet phones for receiving text messages. There are no thresholds for application and use. Registering directly with your email address will give you a US phone number, which can be used to receive text messages.

Linux VPS host hard disk expansion method - VPS new hard disk partition mounting and hard disk dynamic expansion

When we use a VPS host, we often encounter the situation of increasing the hard drive capacity. For example, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, and Linode can directly add hard drives. If you use a SolusVM VPS host, you can directly increase the hard drive capacity in SolusVM. . However, after the hard disk capacity is expanded, we still need to manually mount the hard disk partition. Generally speaking, there are two ways to expand the hard disk of a Linux VPS host.

Take screenshots worry-free with Yisoft: ShareX screenshot tool - short, concise and full of functions. Automated tasks can capture moving images and videos.

We often use screenshot software when writing articles. Previously, Qi mentioned the method of adding watermarks to pictures in batches using I left a message saying that you can actually use the ShareX screenshot tool: one-click screenshot → automatically add watermark → automatically upload, truly realizing the screenshot workflow.

How to apply for free VPS hosting with VirtualMaster and Dply.co - with VPS performance and speed evaluation

I didn’t have much expectations for free VPS hosting. After all, I have used free VPS such as Amazon, GCP, and Microsoft Azure before. In addition to the troublesome application process, the most important thing is that it also requires credit card verification. The AWS account I used before was charged because of the credit card. The account was suspended due to non-payment. However, a friend recently left a message saying that there are two free VPSs that are worth using.

Alibaba Cloud International Version Singapore VPS Host Performance and Speed ​​Evaluation - Better Price/Performance than Alibaba Cloud Domestic Version

I have been using the domestic version of Alibaba Cloud's VPS host before, but I have always had reservations about the international version launched by Alibaba Cloud last year. On the one hand, the domestic version of Alibaba Cloud actually also has VPS in computer rooms in Hong Kong, Japan, and the United States. However, after actual use, these VPS still follow the "routine" of the domestic version of VPS - American VPS actually also sells "bandwidth"? It’s really a “long time to see you”! In a previous article, I summarized the five major characteristics of Alibaba Cloud VPS.

Does the site provide hosting space and a summary of website building services - free space, free CDN and paid VPS hosting

Since embarking on the road of website building, I have found that there are so many things that can be messed up and learned. At the same time, I have also found that many novice friends are still wandering on the edge of building a website. For example, they cannot find a suitable virtual host. Looking for a free domain name to register, facing various DNSs and not knowing how to choose, etc. These problems have also been encountered by me before.

CloudFlare free CDN acceleration - CloudFlare acceleration, DNS resolution, SSL certificate and DDoS attack prevention

Recently, because I have used Cloudflare Partner, I feel that CloudFlare has been far behind some domestic CDN streets in terms of CDN. CloudFlare first started operating in 2010, and began to show its prowess in 2011 after successfully resisting attacks by the hacker group LulzSec. Now, CloudFlare can basically be seen on websites that are attacked.

Classic CN2 GIA VPS host configuration performance comparison - Can I build a website with 1GB CN2 GIA VPS?

The classic VPS host launched the CN2 GIA VPS host, which has been welcomed by many friends. The CN2 GIA VPS host package is often out of stock. After the recent replenishment, many friends asked whether it is possible to build a website with 1GB memory CN2 GIA VPS? Because I used Alibaba Cloud's 1GB memory Hong Kong VPS before, and there was indeed a bottleneck problem in disk IO and memory.

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