Hurricane Electric is a global Internet service provider based in the United States. The company was founded in 1994 and provides IPv4 and IPv6 access and data center services in San Jose, United States. It is the largest exchange center player in the world and participates in The exchange center includes all 73 Euro-IX exchange centers. also provides free DNS domain name resolution services. With the powerful server and technical strength of Hurricane Electric, DNS domain name resolution services are very stable, and DNS has always been free to use, and DNS It supports A, CNAME, CAA and other major analysis records, which is very comprehensive. DNS can meet the vast majority of DNS resolution service needs. It is also worth mentioning that DNS provides free DDNS (dynamic domain name resolution) and IPv6 address access services, which is especially suitable for self-built DNS resolution services. supports Slave DNS, that is, backup DNS, allowing you to "sit back and relax" in DNS resolution.

This article will share the DNS domain name resolution application and usage tutorial. If you want to find more DNS services, you can enter the special page: Summary list of domestic and foreign free DNS domain name resolution services. For experience and tutorials on DNS domain name resolution, you can check out:

  1. JD Cloud DNS free domain name resolution - supports regional segmentation of lines and can add CAA resolution records
  2. Give up free DNS and switch to paid DNS - Google cloud DNS application usage and resolution results
  3. DNS domain name resolution enables DNSSEC to prevent DNS hijacking-Google Cloud DNS settings DNSSEC

PS: Updated on July 27, 2018, If you want AnyCast DNS, you can try: NS1 DNS domain name resolution uses -Master/Slave master-slave DNS and partition resolution around the world.

1. Add domain name to DNS



Log in with your DNS. If you don’t have an account, you can register one for free.

Then, click Add Domain Name on the left and enter the domain name you want to resolve here.

Then, go to your domain name registrar and change the NS server to the NS server of DNS.

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As shown below:

After adding the domain name, you can wait for the new NS server to take effect and add DNS resolution records.

2. DNS resolution records

The domain name resolution records supported by are: A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, TXT, CAA, AFSDB, HINFO, RP, LOC, NAPTR, PTR, SSHFP, SPF, SRV. In addition to DNSSEC, almost all records of He .net DNS is supported. DNS can set the minimum TTL to 5 minutes, which is 300 seconds.

3. DDNS dynamic domain name resolution

Sometimes we may need to use DDNS, that is, dynamic domain name resolution. Enabling DDNS is also very simple. You only need to check Enable entry for dynamic dns when adding an A record.

Then return to the domain name management interface and click to generate a DDNS Key.

How to use DDNS? If you are using a Linux operating system such as Raspberry Pi, you can directly use scheduled tasks and use Get or Curl. The code example is as follows:

自动检测 IPv4/IPv6 address:
curl -4 ""					
curl -6 ""					

指定 IPv4/IPv6 address:
curl ""					

If you are using router firmware such as DD-WRT, you can add it directly in the background, as shown below:

4. IPv6 address

  1. HTTPS:// V6-tunnel

Log in to your account and click "Create Regular Tunnel" on the left.

Fill in your IP address in the menu on the left. If it is a VPS or other server, fill in your server IP address directly. If you are using a home network, make sure your IP address is fixed, otherwise it will not pass. Select the tunnel server node below.

After confirming, click Submit. At this time, you can see that you have successfully applied for the IPv6 address.

How to use IPv6 address? has provided very detailed installation methods, including various operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Mac, and OpenWRT.

After selecting an operating system, will give you how to install the IPv6 tunnel. Just execute the command directly.

If it is OpenWRT, you can add it directly in the background, as shown below: (click to enlarge)

5. Slave DNS

Slave DNS is a backup DNS or a slave DNS. To ensure that DNS resolution is foolproof, a master-slave DNS is generally set up. Slave DNS is the slave DNS. You can directly click to add Slave DNS.

6. Summary DNS is a very excellent and authoritative free DNS service. Although there is no partition resolution and the DNS operation interface is a bit ugly, DNS is stable, supports various DNS resolution records, and has powerful functions.

As DNS is a foreign DNS service, some people may worry that it cannot be used in China. After my observation, although the response of the NS server of DNS in China is not fast, it has been very stable. The monitoring address is:

  1. HTTPS://ping.我在不了.com/?target=computer database.and DNS

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