Recently, because I have used Cloudflare Partner, I feel that CloudFlare has been far behind some domestic CDN streets in terms of CDN. CloudFlare first started operating in 2010, and began to show its prowess in 2011 after successfully resisting attacks by the hacker group LulzSec. Now, CloudFlare can basically be seen on websites that are attacked.

Looking back at the past, what Acceleratorx, XX Guard, and XX Bao existed together with CloudFlare, but now they have either been acquired, shut down, or "standing still", they are still the same. CloudFlare has a free version and a paid version, but the free version of CloudFlare is enough for our personal website. It can resist general DDos by turning on the 5-second shield.

This article mainly introduces the basic usage of CloudFlare, because many friends have started to use Railgun acceleration provided by, but some operations such as CDN parsing, free SSL certificate generation and CloudFlare’s security protection rules After encountering many problems, here is a simple answer to the questions.

CloudFlare free CDN acceleration-CloudFlare website acceleration, DNS resolution, SSL certificate and security protection use

For more information about CDN acceleration, you can check out:

  1. Youpaiyun CDN acceleration application tutorial - one-click mirroring, static dynamic CDN and free SSL
  2. Baidu Cloud Storage BOS and Baidu Cloud CDN usage experience - automatic image storage and accelerated domain name delivery
  3. Self-built CDN acceleration-Nginx reverse binding, cache acceleration, automatically update cache and obtain real IP

PS: Updated on December 25, 2019, If you encounter an error when issuing an SSL certificate and providing CAA when using cloudflare, the solution is: CloudFlare error solution for CAA certificate failure.

PS: Updated on January 4, 2020, Cloudflare Railgun is the ultimate acceleration solution provided by Cloudflare specifically for Business and Enterprise customers. However, it can be turned on for free through Cloudflare Partner: Turn on Cloudflare Railgun acceleration for free - reduce connection delays and achieve dynamic page caching and acceleration.

1. CloudFlare DNS resolution


  1. Official website:
  2. Access:
  3. Demo:

Access to CloudFlare CDN method 1: Modify NS server access. Go directly to the CloudFlare official website, add your domain name, and then CloudFlare will display the NS server. You need to go to your domain name registrar to change the NS server of the domain name to CloudFlare's.

CloudFlare supports turning on DNSSEC with one click, provided that you must use CloudFlare's NS server.

There are also many problems when using CloudFlare, such as slow DNS resolution and slow take effect after DNS modification. In addition, although CloudFlare's CDN service can still be accessed normally in China, it cannot be ruled out that CloudFlare's CDN nodes will be inaccessible after abuse in the future. .

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