Last time I shared China Mobile’s Mobile Cloud VPS host. Although Mobile Cloud’s VPS host has no bright spots in terms of performance, if you want a VPS host in a mobile computer room, you can try it because Mobile Cloud uses China Mobile’s own In the computer room, mobile users will have better access.

What I want to talk about this time is China Unicom’s Unicom Woyun VPS host and Unicom computer room, which will be faster for Unicom users to access. Generally speaking, the price of China Unicom Cloud VPS host is about the same as that of Mobile Cloud. However, from my personal experience, there are still many areas for improvement, and there are also various management problems.

China Unicom Woyun currently provides elastic cloud hosting, object storage, CDN, cloud backup, cloud cache, etc. Currently, the snapshot service of China Unicom Woyun VPS is free and supports custom images. It is basically similar to Alibaba Cloud ECS in use, but The first time I used it, I was still a little uncomfortable.

China Unicom Wo Cloud VPS host experience-Wo Cloud performance and speed test

If you want to use a domestic VPS host, you can also try these (for more domestic and foreign VPS, please see the special topic: VPS host ranking list):

  1. Tencent Cloud VPS host performance and speed evaluation-Cheap 10 yuan/month 1 core 2G memory VPS host
  2. A simple evaluation of the use and performance of Baidu Cloud Server VPS host - it is more expensive than Alibaba Cloud VPS
  3. Comparison of Hong Kong VPS hosting between Alibaba Cloud domestic version and international version - differences in traffic, bandwidth, configuration, etc.

PS: Updated on October 1, 2018, In addition to China Unicom and China Mobile providing VPS for Unicom and China Mobile computer rooms, some small businesses will also provide special lines for everyone to test and use: Domestic Telecom NAT VPS , China Unicom NAT VPS and Mobile NAT VPS usage evaluation-CloudIPLC and Uovz VPS.

PS: Updated on October 11, 2018, If you are a student, you can take advantage of your student status to get ultra-cheap or free VPS hosts and space: Domestic and foreign VPS host student machines and student discounts are compiled Summary-Low-price VPS hosting server for students.

1. Introduction to China Unicom Woyun VPS


  1. HTTP:// ugly.talent/

Unicom Woyun VPS currently has computer rooms in three regions: East China, North China and Northwest China. You can choose according to your own needs when purchasing.

What you need to pay special attention to when purchasing is that Unicom Woyun VPS also needs to purchase a separate network, which is an independent IP address.

The monthly payment for Unicom Woyun VPS is basically around 60 yuan, which is more expensive than Alibaba Cloud VPS, Tencent Cloud VPS, etc.

2. Use of China Unicom Woyun VPS

The picture below is the Unicom Woyun VPS host control panel interface. On the left are cloud host, cloud storage, network and other management operations. (Click to enlarge)

After purchasing China Unicom Woyun VPS, remember to enter "Network Access" to bind the IP address.

At the same time, you also need to create a "router" and bind the IP to the router.

This is the snapshot management page of China Unicom Cloud VPS, where you can create new snapshots, restore data, etc.

China Unicom Woyun VPS also supports expanded storage, and you can also purchase storage separately to expand your host.

3. Unicom Woyun VPS performance

This is the CPU and disk IO read and write speed of Unicom Woyun VPS. From the data point of view, the performance is average.

I originally wanted to use the VPS benchmark tool to test the overall performance of China Unicom Woyun VPS, but it broke after running several times. For more testing methods, please refer to: Three free tools to help you detect the authenticity of VPS servers - VPS host performance and speed testing methods.

4. Summary

Unicom Woyun VPS has actually been established and operated for several years, but according to my understanding, not many people use it. It may also be because Unicom Woyun VPS positions users as enterprise users, and individual users feel that there are many problems in using it.

If a friend uses Unicom Woyun VPS and encounters problems that cannot be solved, it is recommended to call customer service directly, because the reference documents on the official website are really "incomprehensible", especially the router and network, there are indeed problems in the first contact. .

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