If you can't change the world, you have to change yourself. Isn't that how life is? - Hello 2019!

The year 2018 has passed by quietly, and the clock has reached 2019. To be honest, I can’t feel anything other than “fast” about time. I just went through the "New Year's Speech" I wrote on New Year's Day in 2018: Going through the warm and cold years, feeling the weight of life - Goodbye 2017 Hello 2018? , suddenly it felt like 2018 was gone.

Qiniu Cloud CDN mirror storage speeds up image/CSS/JS file access - you can apply for free SSL

I have used Qiniu Cloud CDN for several years before. HTTPS was not very popular at that time, so it is very good to use Qiniu Cloud CDN to accelerate HTTP static files. The price is cheap and there are many domestic nodes. And it seems that Qiniu Cloud is the first to launch the mirror storage function, which can achieve seamless connection with CDN acceleration services. Nowadays, there are more and more major cloud storage merchants, and everyone’s choices are also diversified. In addition to Qiniu Cloud, others such as Youpai Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, etc.

Three major reasons why I gave up Tencent Alibaba Cloud enterprise email - Attached is a summary of domestic and foreign enterprise (domain name) email addresses

We have been using Tencent Enterprise Mailbox's SMTP as the main way to send emails. However, recently, Tencent Enterprise Mailbox has started to have various problems when sending emails. On the one hand, with the increase in subscribers and the adoption of MailPoet Newsletters, a large number of push emails have to be sent every time an article is updated, which will cause Tencent corporate mailboxes to limit sending letters.

Linux Crontab command scheduled task basic syntax and operation tutorial-VPS/Server Automation

Crontab is a commonly used scheduled execution tool under Unix/Linux systems, which can run specified jobs without manual intervention. Many times we have to use the Crontab command. For example, the acme.sh script mentioned in the Let’s Encrypt Wildcard free domain name SSL certificate uses the Crontab scheduled task to update the SSL certificate.

Linode VPS host download speed test of major VPS computer rooms and VPS host package list

For a long time, if you choose a foreign VPS host to build a website, Linode VPS has always been my first choice for website building. Whether it is the price of the VPS host or the stability of the VPS host, Linode's VPS host is really cost-effective. The only disadvantage of Linode VPS is that the line is not very good for domestic use, and the speed is sometimes good or bad.

Nextcloud is an excellent choice for personal cloud storage: one-click automatic installation method and cloud disk usage experience

When building personal cloud storage, one usually thinks of ownCloud, which is a classic self-built cloud storage service. Nextcloud is a so-called "next generation" storage built by the original development team of ownCloud. At first glance, I thought it had a "sounding" tone. It redefined Cloud as soon as it was launched. After actually trying it out, I wholeheartedly agree with Nextcloud: it is an excellent choice for personal cloud storage services.

Ready-to-use out of the box - simple and practical ImgURL photo album program and Zdir directory listing program (file manager)

Although photos and file storage can now be uploaded to network disks, domestic network disks are still a little different from foreign network disk storage. Take the comparison between Baidu Netdisk and Dropbox as an example. Baidu Netdisk is at best a network hard drive used by individuals to store private photos and files. If it is used for sharing, it can easily be restricted or canceled by Baidu for downloading.

Some experiences on using classic VPS hosts - a summary of VPS performance and speed evaluations in major computer rooms

I have been using the classic VPS host for several years. I didn’t pay attention to it at first, because the classic VPS host is a low-priced one. According to the normal thinking, the low-priced VPS host cannot be used for website building, because I have used cheap VPS hosts. Friends of VPS hosting will know that VPS hosting is really worth every penny. Later, the classic VPS host launched the CN2 line, and it suddenly felt really fast. Although it is a bit slow at night, the access speed during the day is indeed a major advantage of CN2 VPS.

Summary of VPS hosting providers and computer rooms connected to CN2 lines - reference manual for identifying genuine and fake CN2 line hosts

This is a collection and summary article of VPS hosts and computer rooms currently connected to CN2 lines. The main reason for initiating this article is that Alibaba Cloud, Classic VPS, etc. have launched CN2 line hosts. After purchasing and experiencing it myself, I found that the download speed of CN2 line VPS hosts can almost always be above MB/s, and the routing packet loss rate is very low. This has greatly changed my impression of foreign VPS.

Main application technologies and supporting features of blogs - summary of website and server optimization methods

Many people come to the blog to ask questions about website server configuration information and website optimization methods. This article will summarize the technologies and features that have been around wzfou.com over the years. I hope it can be useful to friends in need. As a reference, this article will always be updated, and the latest applications will be updated here in time.

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