Smokeping installation and configuration - free open source network performance monitoring tool visual master/slave deployment

Before buying a VPS host, I usually check the reviews of other people using the VPS host. In particular, the line of the VPS host is what I am most concerned about. Because there are many foreign VPS hosting providers, but there are only a few computer rooms with fast access speeds from China. A VPS with poor lines and slow speed is not suitable for building a Chinese website.

Two excellent server network traffic monitoring tools: Ntopng and Munin - powerful and intuitive

If we find that our VPS server is abnormal, generally we can analyze it from the server logs to see if there is an IP source that does not follow the "rules". For example, we can use server log analysis tools: ngxtop and GoAccess to analyze the IP source, number of connections, error requests, browsers, traffic bandwidth, etc. in the statistical logs.

Installation and use of Zabbix - a powerful server performance monitoring tool to control server software and hardware resources

In order to monitor the network line conditions of different local computer rooms of major VPS hosting providers, we can use the free open source network performance monitoring tool to visualize the master/slave deployment of Smokeping. Smokeping's powerful and intuitive drawing can help us understand the network conditions of the IDC computer room within a certain period of time.

Summary of Linux system monitoring commands - master CPU, memory, disk IO, etc. to find performance bottlenecks

I don’t know if I used a VPS host with a high configuration before, or if there is a problem with the performance of the newly moved Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong VPS host. In short, every time I dig the site at night, the host becomes unstable and the system load suddenly becomes high. suddenly low. Using server log analysis tools: ngxtop and GoAccess, you can also find out that some IPs are constantly scanning server ports and WP background.

Free open source PHP probe x-prober and cool Linux server performance real-time monitoring tool Netdata

Many times, friends who engage in server maintenance hope to have a server performance monitoring platform that can provide an overall overview, so that they can grasp the running dynamics of the company's servers in real time. There are currently many third-party network performance monitoring platforms on the market, such as Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, Linode, Vultr and other VPS hosting providers with their own server performance monitoring services.

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