Baidu Cloud Storage BOS and Baidu Cloud CDN usage experience - automatic image storage and accelerated domain name delivery

I have been using Youpaiyun's CDN acceleration before. In addition to feeling that Youpaiyun's price is more expensive than Qiniuyun CDN, other CDN management and control functions are very good, and Youpaiyun is constantly adding new ones. Technologies, such as TLS 1.3, HTTPS 2, etc., have been added to CDN. It can be said that the domestic professional CDN is pretty good.

Ten CloudFlare Free CDN Acceleration Tips You May Not Know-SSLDDOSCache

If we want to talk about the "big name" in free CDN services, I'm afraid it can only be CloudFlare. CloudFlare is an American Internet company that mainly provides CDN acceleration and website security protection. After continuous development, CloudFlare CDN is currently welcomed by all over the world. At the same time, CloudFlare also has in-depth cooperation with large companies such as Google and Microsoft.

Youpaiyun CDN acceleration application tutorial - one-click mirroring, static dynamic CDN and free SSL

Youpaiyun CDN is a well-established CDN service provider in China. Youpaiyun has always been very distinctive in static CDN. Youpai has 6 data processing centers, more than 300 domestic CDN nodes, and 15 overseas CDN nodes, providing many services such as object storage, HTTPS/SSL certificates, multimedia processing, image recognition, and text recognition.

Self-built CDN acceleration-Nginx reverse binding, cache acceleration, automatically update cache and obtain real IP

Although the blog is now placed on Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong CN2 VPS host, Telecom uses the CN2 line, so the access speed will be faster (but I have also received feedback from friends of Telecom that access is slow (⊙﹏⊙)). However, China Unicom and mobile users will have slower access, especially during the evening peak period. Many friends said that they cannot open it at all.

CloudFlare free CDN acceleration - CloudFlare acceleration, DNS resolution, SSL certificate and DDoS attack prevention

Recently, because I have used Cloudflare Partner, I feel that CloudFlare has been far behind some domestic CDN streets in terms of CDN. CloudFlare first started operating in 2010, and began to show its prowess in 2011 after successfully resisting attacks by the hacker group LulzSec. Now, CloudFlare can basically be seen on websites that are attacked.

Qiniu Cloud CDN mirror storage speeds up image/CSS/JS file access - you can apply for free SSL

I have used Qiniu Cloud CDN for several years before. HTTPS was not very popular at that time, so it is very good to use Qiniu Cloud CDN to accelerate HTTP static files. The price is cheap and there are many domestic nodes. And it seems that Qiniu Cloud is the first to launch the mirror storage function, which can achieve seamless connection with CDN acceleration services. Nowadays, there are more and more major cloud storage merchants, and everyone’s choices are also diversified. In addition to Qiniu Cloud, others such as Youpai Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, etc.

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