Installation and use of Zabbix - a powerful server performance monitoring tool to control server software and hardware resources

In order to monitor the network line conditions of different local computer rooms of major VPS hosting providers, we can use the free open source network performance monitoring tool to visualize the master/slave deployment of Smokeping. Smokeping's powerful and intuitive drawing can help us understand the network conditions of the IDC computer room within a certain period of time.

Linode, DigitalOcean, Vultr VPS host discount code - up to $100 off for new users

Linode, DigitalOcean, and Vultr are the three merchants that truly provide VPS hosts with care. Whether it is the quality of the VPS hosts or the existing influence, these three VPS hosts are trustworthy for website building. Is the mining website currently established? Many websites are on Linode, DigitalOcean, and Vultr servers.

Japan Xrea free space application and use - excellent and stable free host 1GB space free SSL

Xrea is a free hosting product owned by Japan's GMO Internet Inc. It has provided free services for more than ten years. Many people may not have heard of GMO Internet Inc, but I believe most people have used its server, value-domain domain name resolution, hosting and other products. They are cheap and support Alipay payment.

Summary of Linux system monitoring commands - master CPU, memory, disk IO, etc. to find performance bottlenecks

I don’t know if I used a VPS host with a high configuration before, or if there is a problem with the performance of the newly moved Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong VPS host. In short, every time I dig the site at night, the host becomes unstable and the system load suddenly becomes high. suddenly low. Using server log analysis tools: ngxtop and GoAccess, you can also find out that some IPs are constantly scanning server ports and WP background.

WHMCS integrates to automatically activate a VPS host tutorial - sell VPS servers on WHMCS

Last time I shared how WHMCS integrates Vultr to automatically activate the VPS host. Many friends left messages asking if there are any plug-ins for WHMCS to integrate Linode and Digitalocean. After carefully checking the documentation, WHMCS does provide plug-ins for Linode and Digitalocean to automatically sell and activate VPS, but they are expensive, hundreds of dollars each. However, the official website of provides a WHMCS docking plug-in, and it is free. It is also very powerful in terms of functions.

Hostker US VPS and Hong Kong VPS hosting experience - VPS performance and speed evaluation results

Hostker was established at an unknown date and is a cloud VPS hosting provider affiliated with 90 Innovation Lab Company. Here is an introduction about the company 90 Innovation Lab: 90 Innovation Lab was founded in 2012. It has extremely strong technical strength. The average working time of its team members is 6+ years. It has built its own cabinets in many computer rooms around the world. VPS host experience - account verification and VPS host performance and speed evaluation

The VPS host of was as "expensive" as Linode back then. A 1GB VPS host cost $25. In order to experience the VPS host of's Japanese computer room, I also purchased a VPS, but after using The experience is still far from Linode, the price is expensive, and the most important thing is that the speed of the VPS host is not good.

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