Piwik (Matomo) free and open source PHP statistics system - easy to install and powerful, comparable to Google statistics

When many people think of statistics, they are limited to Google Analytics, Baidu Statistics, webmaster statistics, etc. These types of statistics are systems developed by third-party companies such as search engines. Naturally, they are useless in terms of functionality and ease of use, but the only One problem is that statistical data is stored on a third-party server, which poses certain risks for some websites with strong confidentiality.

How to apply for free VPS hosting with VirtualMaster and Dply.co - with VPS performance and speed evaluation

I didn’t have much expectations for free VPS hosting. After all, I have used free VPS such as Amazon, GCP, and Microsoft Azure before. In addition to the troublesome application process, the most important thing is that it also requires credit card verification. The AWS account I used before was charged because of the credit card. The account was suspended due to non-payment. However, a friend recently left a message saying that there are two free VPSs that are worth using.

How to obtain a free .edu email address - Use an education email address to obtain a summary list of free VPS domain name software

The free .edu email has always been wanted by many people. The reason is that there are many paid resources abroad, such as VPS hosts, domain names, software, etc., which are provided to students for free. The way to verify students is basically to have an educational email. That’s it. Earlier, domestic .edu.cn email addresses could also be used to apply for foreign space and domain names, but now you may need to upload documents.

Linux Crontab command scheduled task basic syntax and operation tutorial-VPS/Server Automation

Crontab is a commonly used scheduled execution tool under Unix/Linux systems, which can run specified jobs without manual intervention. Many times we have to use the Crontab command. For example, the acme.sh script mentioned in the Let’s Encrypt Wildcard free domain name SSL certificate uses the Crontab scheduled task to update the SSL certificate.

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