Alibaba Cloud International Edition Hong Kong Computer Room Speed ​​and Performance Evaluation - Fast but disk IO and memory are bottlenecks

In the past, Alibaba Cloud's computer rooms in Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and other places have always been under the impression that they are expensive and slow. After trying out the VPS host of the Alibaba Cloud international version of the Singapore computer room last time, I found that the VPS host of the CN2 line was not accessible to telecom users. It’s still quite fast, so I took advantage of the price reduction of Alibaba Cloud International Edition’s Hong Kong computer room to US$9/month and bought one.

Let the pictures fly for a while! Website image WebP format batch conversion settings and accelerated effect experience

Since the blog host is located abroad, although the classic CN2 GIA is used, the speed is much faster than that of a VPS host placed in an ordinary American computer room. However, writing articles requires inserting a large number of pictures, and WordPress has installed many Plug-ins (see: Summary of Wordpress plug-ins for digging websites) cause the browser to make a very large number of requests to access the page.

A webmaster who has used Alibaba Cloud VPS hosting for three years summed up the five major characteristics of Alibaba Cloud

I have purchased Alibaba Cloud's VPS host since 2015. Although I no longer use it, I have gained a better understanding of Alibaba Cloud's VPS through exploration in the past few years. When a friend asks me what better VPS host I can recommend, if I ask about a domestic VPS, I will generally recommend using Alibaba Cloud VPS. If it is a foreign VPS, I will recommend considering Linode VPS. This suggestion is not to say how good Alibaba Cloud's VPS is, but because there are really few domestic VPS options.

Comparison of Hong Kong VPS hosting between Alibaba Cloud domestic version and international version - differences in traffic, bandwidth, configuration, etc.

The server I used for the first time to dig a website was Korea’s Kdatacenter. The speed and response time were very fast. The SSD hard disk read and write speed test could reach more than GB/s. However, there were two problems: First, the price was too expensive at 19 US dollars. One month, it really needs the support of local tyrants; secondly, there is no server control panel! You need to contact customer service to reinstall the system, change IP, etc. The response time is even slower during non-working days.

Alibaba Cloud International Version Singapore VPS Host Performance and Speed ​​Evaluation - Better Price/Performance than Alibaba Cloud Domestic Version

I have been using the domestic version of Alibaba Cloud's VPS host before, but I have always had reservations about the international version launched by Alibaba Cloud last year. On the one hand, the domestic version of Alibaba Cloud actually also has VPS in computer rooms in Hong Kong, Japan, and the United States. However, after actual use, these VPS still follow the "routine" of the domestic version of VPS - American VPS actually also sells "bandwidth"? It’s really a “long time to see you”! In a previous article, I summarized the five major characteristics of Alibaba Cloud VPS.

Alibaba Cloud Japan VPS Host Speed ​​Performance Evaluation-Japan SoftBank Hong Kong NTT Line

Alibaba Cloud's VPS host has always attracted me to use it because of its low price and convenient and practical backend control panel. I had always put on Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong VPS, but during the use, I gradually discovered two things. Problems: First, the IO read and write speed of the VPS host is too slow, causing SWAP to run very slowly after the memory is exhausted. Second, the Alibaba Cloud VPS host will be intermittently inaccessible for users of China Mobile and China Unicom (a small number of users reported on China Telecom).

Alibaba Cloud from getting started to giving up - A summary of Alibaba Cloud VPS, OSS, CDN and DNS usage experience

If you choose a VPS host in China, I’m afraid it’s either Alibaba Cloud VPS or Tencent Cloud VPS. The two companies have almost dominated the cloud computing market. Facts have proved that Alibaba Cloud's VPS host has a good price/performance ratio, especially the price of a 512MB VPS has been reduced to tens of dollars per month, making it difficult for other domestic VPS host providers to "parry". I have been using Alibaba Cloud for several years to build websites.

Remember that aliyun host ECS was hacked for mining?

I accidentally discovered that the CPU usage of an ECS host in the backend of Alibaba Cloud has been near 100%. If I look closely, it is used to provide idle services to customers. Few people take care of it. After taking a closer look at the data, I found that the CPU has been at 100% for two weeks. , there is no abnormality in the memory, but the hard disk has sharp peaks every 1 minute. It is estimated that there is a problem with the cron job.

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