In the past, Alibaba Cloud's computer rooms in Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and other places have always been under the impression that they are expensive and slow. After trying out the VPS host of the Alibaba Cloud international version of the Singapore computer room last time, I found that the VPS host of the CN2 line was not accessible to telecom users. It’s still quite fast, so I took advantage of the price reduction of Alibaba Cloud International Edition’s Hong Kong computer room to US$9/month and bought one. The cheapest VPS host in the Hong Kong computer room of Alibaba Cloud International Edition is US$9/month, with 1GB of memory, 1 CPU and 40 GB SSD hard drive, and a bandwidth of 30M. It should be pointed out that Alibaba Cloud International Edition says that the traffic is 1TB. In fact, it is not 30 days, but 50 days. This means that the monthly traffic of Alibaba Cloud International Edition should be about 600GB. This is easily misled by the official website. I tried the Alibaba Cloud International Hong Kong computer room and found that the Alibaba Cloud International Hong Kong computer room uses a two-way CN2 line, which is fast and stable. However, there is also a "common problem" of Alibaba Cloud VPS. The disk IO read and write speed is relatively slow, only 100MB/s. This speed is not as fast as the HDD VPS hard disk speed. Programs that frequently read and write disks can easily cause performance "shortcomings." Another problem is that the memory of the Alibaba Cloud International VPS host is oversold. Judging from the test data of netizens, the 1GB memory of the purchased Alibaba Cloud International VPS may actually only have between 800-900. Regardless of whether this statement is true or not, judging from my personal experience, Alibaba Cloud's machine feels that the resource consumption ratio is larger when running WordPress on a VPS with 1GB of memory. Alibaba Cloud International Version Hong Kong Computer Room Speed ​​and Performance Evaluation - The line speed is stable and fast, but disk IO and memory are bottlenecks in website building If you are looking for a VPS host that can be used to build a website, you can take a look at the VPS host topics I did before: VPS host ranking list and server control panel list. You can also view more VPS hosts on the CN2 line. See my previous review article:

  1. Alibaba Cloud International Version Singapore VPS Host Performance and Speed ​​Evaluation - Better Price/Performance than Alibaba Cloud Domestic Version
  2. Cheap American CN2 line access computer room VPS host performance and speed evaluation - fast download speed
  3. Summary of VPS hosting providers and computer rooms connected to CN2 lines - reference manual for identifying genuine and fake CN2 line hosts
Updated on October 24, 2017: If you want to find more fast foreign VPS, you can actually use Korean VPS as an alternative target. In actual tests, the speed of some Korean VPS is quite good. Reference: Kdatacenter Korea VPS host performance and speed evaluation-SK computer room is fast but not easy to use.

1. Purchase of Alibaba Cloud International Version Hong Kong Computer Room

Alibaba Cloud International Edition official website:
  1. HTTPS://wuwuwu.Alibaba
If you don’t have a friend with an Alibaba Cloud International Edition account, you may be stuck at the threshold where you cannot register an Alibaba Cloud International Edition account. When registering for Alibaba Cloud International Edition, a foreign phone number is required for verification, and the international version requires Paypal or credit card binding. You can find free overseas calls here: Free Internet Calls Abroad. As for the international version of Paypal, you can register directly at Note that the country must be selected as the United States, fill in the information in pinyin, and then bind your domestic credit card in Paypal. Finally, ensure that your Paypal has a US dollar consumption record. US Paypal + domestic Visa credit card + US mobile phone number can currently solve the problem of Alibaba Cloud International version account. When purchasing Alibaba Cloud International Edition, you can choose a computer room. Currently, it is known that Singapore and Hong Kong computer rooms with access to CN2 lines have different prices. Hong Kong VPS is twice as expensive as Singapore VPS. (Click to enlarge) On the Alibaba Cloud International Edition purchase checkout page, we can also see that the so-called traffic is actually 50 days. After the payment is successful, you can change the password, reinstall the system, view monitoring and other operations on the VPS host in the Alibaba Cloud International Edition Management Center.

2. Performance of Alibaba Cloud International Hong Kong VPS

Disk IO read and write speed is slow. Alibaba Cloud International Edition claims that it has SSD hard drives, but in actual tests it can be seen that the disk IO read and write speed is very fast, and compared with similar Linode VPS, it is less than one-fifth of others. Refer to this article: Linode VPS performance speed. Hong Kong VPS has sufficient bandwidth. This is the bandwidth of the Hong Kong VPS host of the Alibaba Cloud International version tested. The downlink bandwidth reached 400Mb/s. Alibaba Cloud International Edition has high performance scores. This is the Unixbench comprehensive performance score result, which reaches nearly 2000. This score is quite good. For information on VPS host performance testing, please refer to this article: Three free tools to help you detect the authenticity of your VPS server - VPS host performance and speed testing methods.

3. Alibaba Cloud International Version Hong Kong VPS Speed

I am most concerned about the line quality of Alibaba Cloud International Hong Kong VPS. The ping value of Alibaba Cloud International Hong Kong VPS tested with webmaster tools is basically below 60. Whether it is China Telecom, China Unicom, or China Mobile, the ping value All look good. As shown below: However, I still found some highlights and problems when testing the Alibaba Cloud International Hong Kong VPS line.

3.1  Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong VPS full CN2 line

For information on how to detect VPS host lines, you can read here: Identifying True and False CN2 Line Hosts Reference Manual. It can be seen from the local telecommunications outsourcing that the CN2 line is used, and there are only a dozen nodes in the whole process. The same is true for the return trip of Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong VPS Telecom, taking the CN2 line. China Unicom users use China Unicom’s own route to Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong VPS. The same goes for China Unicom's return trip, take China Unicom's own route. Mobile users also use Mobile’s own route to go to Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong VPS. The same goes for moving back, take your own route.

3.2  Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong VPS upload speed is stable

Local telecom, Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong VPS upload speed can basically reach the maximum upload speed provided by local telecom. However, the upload speed also changes. Testing on telecommunications networks in different places found that the upload speed is high and low.

3.3  Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong VPS has fast download speed

The download speed of Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong VPS basically reached about 3MB/s when I tested it during the day, which is the 30M bandwidth limit given when purchasing the package. However, also discovered a "secret" during the site digging. The download speed can reach 3MB/s without installing B*B*R. However, once B-B-R is installed, the speed will decrease. It has been halved to about 1MB/s. Please pay attention to the speed changes in the picture below. I didn’t believe this data at first, so I changed another telecom network and tested again. It was still the same. After installing B*B*R, the download speed of the same file would be half as slow, which made me very unhappy. untie.

4. Summary

At present, it seems that the download speed of Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong VPS is still good. However, during the Internet peak period at night, my test found that the speed of Alibaba Cloud International Hong Kong computer room will be reduced from the original 3MB/s to about 1MB/s, and there are With a certain packet loss rate, I hope Alibaba Cloud can continue to control the bandwidth allocation at night. From the VPS host performance test, if we compare the Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong VPS with the same 1G memory with other VPS hosts such as Linode with 1G memory, the Alibaba Cloud machine is definitely at a disadvantage, because after my stress test, the same The load on the Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong VPS system started to increase after a while. PS: Updated on November 1, 2017, Alibaba Cloud's VPS host has domestic and international versions. The international version account is more difficult to register. You might as well try the domestic version of Hong Kong VPS. This is what I did A comparison: Comparison of Hong Kong VPS host usage between Alibaba Cloud domestic version and international version - differences in traffic, bandwidth, configuration, etc.

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