How to replace Payoneer MasterCard credit card for free when it expires - Payoneer physical card replacement operation

Payoneer is a foreign payment institution that mainly provides MasterCard credit cards and bank collection accounts in the United States, Europe and other places. It is especially suitable for users with a large number of collections. Payoneer provides users with bank collection accounts in the United States and other places for free, which can be used directly to receive U.S. dollar transfers from foreign companies. At the same time, Payoneer supports withdrawals to China without occupying foreign exchange quota.

Installation and use of the open source free RSS subscription tool FreshRSS - self-built RSS online subscription platform

RSS subscription is a very useful tool. It can help us filter out the information that is important to us among the numerous information. Over the years, we have obtained website building resources and network information through RSS subscription, such as Weibo, Toutiao accounts, WeChat public accounts, etc. can only be used for "reading fast food", as a pastime or "reading newspapers".

WeChat Tiaoyitiao game auxiliary tool with detailed graphic and text operation tutorials - automatically increase points without plug-ins

Recently, everyone's circle of friends has been flooded with a "mini program" of WeChat - the Tiaoyitiao game. This is a sign that WeChat is further "moving closer" to QQ. In the past, WeChat was just a simple chat and friend-making tool. Later, WeChat Pay, WeChat Moments, WeChat Search, WeChat Business, Recharge, Bicycle Sharing, etc. In short, it has become more and more bloated like QQ. I have always felt that the growth of WeChat is actually slowly squeezing out the living space of QQ, because WeChat and QQ are essentially social tools.

Five things to note when making PayPal cash withdrawals - account binding, failure to lock, handling fees and withdrawal time

For friends who make money online abroad, withdrawing US dollars through Paypal is a very troublesome thing. In the past, Paypal wire transfers were used, and the handling fee was 30 US dollars. In addition, a certain handling fee was charged for wire transfers to China. I used to use Bank of China to collect US dollar wire transfers from Paypal, and a handling fee of 12 US dollars was deducted. However, since 2016, Paypal has added another way to withdraw US dollars: continuous payment withdrawal. The basic process is to register for LianLian Pay and bind PayPal. one-click installation package to easily build an Apache website building environment - automatically install SSL and PHP components

If it is used to build a website, I still recommend using Nginx. Because I used to be an Apache user, many people say that Nginx is very strong in handling static requests, while Apache is stronger in terms of stability. However, during the process of building a website, I still find Nginx more convenient to use.

aaPanel Pagoda Free VPS Control Panel International Version - Automatically apply for SSL and multiple PHP versions to coexist

A friend previously recommended the aaPanel panel to me on the special page of the server control panel list. This is an international version of the Pagoda Linux panel. It gives me the feeling that it is exactly the same as the Chinese version of the Pagoda Linux panel, except that it is changed to English. The interface is more suitable for foreigners to use, but other functions are the same.

Five excellent RSS readers recommended - with a collection of major domestic and foreign RSS readers

It has been almost five years since Google closed Google Reader. Unfortunately, RSS is still not dead! Broadly speaking, today's Toutiao accounts and public accounts can also be regarded as a way to obtain information through RSS, but the information flows in their own closed spaces and is not as open and convenient as traditional RSS.

Ten CloudFlare Free CDN Acceleration Tips You May Not Know-SSLDDOSCache

If we want to talk about the "big name" in free CDN services, I'm afraid it can only be CloudFlare. CloudFlare is an American Internet company that mainly provides CDN acceleration and website security protection. After continuous development, CloudFlare CDN is currently welcomed by all over the world. At the same time, CloudFlare also has in-depth cooperation with large companies such as Google and Microsoft.

Smokeping installation and configuration - free open source network performance monitoring tool visual master/slave deployment

Before buying a VPS host, I usually check the reviews of other people using the VPS host. In particular, the line of the VPS host is what I am most concerned about. Because there are many foreign VPS hosting providers, but there are only a few computer rooms with fast access speeds from China. A VPS with poor lines and slow speed is not suitable for building a Chinese website.

Two excellent server network traffic monitoring tools: Ntopng and Munin - powerful and intuitive

If we find that our VPS server is abnormal, generally we can analyze it from the server logs to see if there is an IP source that does not follow the "rules". For example, we can use server log analysis tools: ngxtop and GoAccess to analyze the IP source, number of connections, error requests, browsers, traffic bandwidth, etc. in the statistical logs.

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