Recently, everyone's circle of friends has been flooded with a "mini program" of WeChat - the Tiaoyitiao game. This is a sign that WeChat is further "moving closer" to QQ. In the past, WeChat was just a simple chat and friend-making tool. Later, WeChat Pay, WeChat Moments, WeChat Search, WeChat Business, Recharge, Bicycle Sharing, etc. In short, it has become more and more bloated like QQ. I have always felt that the growth of WeChat is actually slowly squeezing out the living space of QQ, because WeChat and QQ are essentially social tools. A person's attention can only be focused on one thing, otherwise it will easily lead to confusion. I believe that if WeChat was not developed by Tencent but by a competitor of QQ, today’s QQ would be the “scene” of Renren in the past. Then again, WeChat launched a mini game like Tiaoyitiao not just for everyone to play a game, but to promote WeChat mini programs. Everyone knows that Tencent has been promoting mini programs this year, and the "ambition" in mini programs is actually very large. If mini programs are really developed, then WeChat will no longer be an APP, but a mobile OS, and other I am afraid that all of the apps have been “eaten” by Tencent. It is a pity that WeChat mini programs have not been taken seriously by users. On the one hand, it may be because there are too many interests involved and the developers are "absent-minded". On the other hand, users are also not interested in such a "simple APP" embedded in WeChat. Do not really understand. Therefore, the popularity of the WeChat Tiaoyitiao game has actually driven the development and popularization of mini programs, which Tencent is very happy to see. Having said so much, I mainly want to tell everyone to quickly seize the "window" of mini programs. Missed Weibo, missed Bitcoin, missed WeChat, missed the public account, missed the Toutiao account... You really shouldn’t miss today’s mini program, the future will be a red ocean. Of course, in addition to introducing the WeChat applet, this article also writes about the automatic points-boosting method of the WeChat Jump game at the request of many friends. More utilities you should also want:

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  3. Self-built Nextcloud audio and video center: Aria2 offline download + PotPlayer and Kodi local viewing
PS: Updated on January 12, 2017, if you have an Apple phone and don’t have a Mac computer, you can use a Windows + Mac virtual machine to brush the WeChat jump score. Regarding Mac Reference for the installation method of a virtual machine: Detailed graphic tutorial for installing Apple Mac OS on a VMware virtual machine - running macOS on Windows. PS: Updated on January 8, 2017 . In order to solve the problem that novice friends cannot understand, I reinstalled and made a video teaching version of the WeChat Tiaoyitiao auxiliary operation, here: WeChat Tiaoyitiao game plug-in assistance Video tutorial! Get started in one minute and easily get high scores by jumping. PS: Updated on January 5, 2018, The Python method of playing WeChat Jump is quite successful. If you still have friends who are willing to toss, you can also try these Jump Jump plug-ins: eight Practical WeChat jump auxiliary and plug-in tools - suitable for Android and Apple phones - with usage experience.

1. Jump to assist preparation work

There are actually a lot of auxiliary tools for WeChat Tiaoyitiao game on the Internet, but the tool usage instructions written by the big guys are too simple. Some friends who have never been exposed to Andriod mobile phone development are simply "monk Zhang Er is confused", here I selected the simplest one among the many tools for testing so that more friends can get started. project address:
  1. HTTPS://王书宝/we chat_jump_game

1.1  Python installation

Official website:
  1. HTTPS://
Go directly to the Python official website to download the latest version of Python 3. Connect the computer to the mobile phone with a USB cable. Make sure to execute adb devices to find the device ID, such as the mobile phone ADB connection result of

3. Summary

The difficulty of WeChat Tiaoyitiao game auxiliary tools lies in the environment configuration. Python, ADB, Python Matplot, etc. are all tools commonly used by programmers, but ordinary users have never been exposed to them, so installation and configuration will be difficult. , the most important thing is to have a certain Linux foundation. If you encounter any problems during the auxiliary installation and configuration environment of WeChat Tiaoyitiao Game and when running the tool, please leave a message in this article for feedback, or add me on QQ: 798558110, WeChat: iamqimm, you can also join our QQ group or TG group to discuss: Contact us. Judging from my own test results, is suitable for most mobile phones. is suitable for a resolution of 1280*720. If you find any errors, you can manually adjust the parameters yourself. Just modify the config.json file.

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