Classic VPS host Hong Kong computer room VPS performance and speed evaluation-pccw route is comparable to CN2 VPS

Everyone was looking forward to the classic VPS host before - never heard of "classic card"? Please see here: Performance and speed evaluation of cheap US CN2 line access VPS host in the computer room - it is possible to launch a VPS host for the Hong Kong computer room. After all, the US computer room is also connected to the CN2 line. If the Hong Kong computer room can use CN2, it would be perfect. . Some time ago, the classic VPS host finally "lived up to expectations" and launched the VPS in the Hong Kong computer room.

50kvm United States and Hong Kong CN2 line VPS host performance and speed evaluation-cheap CN2 VPS host

50kvm is a VPS host run by Chinese people. I learned about it from a friend. It provides VPS hosts in computer rooms such as Russia's Khabarovsk, San Jose DCS, Los Angeles C3, Los Angeles GlobalFrag, and Hong Kong Shatin. The main reason for paying attention to this VPS host is that their San Jose DCS and Los Angeles C3 computer rooms are connected to CN2 lines, and the prices are relatively cheap. The cheapest package of 50kvm is San Jose DCS’s 512MB memory for 33 yuan.

GigsGigsCloud US CN2 GIA VPS and Singapore and Hong Kong VPS host performance and speed

GigsGigsCloud is a VPS host provider from Hong Kong. Its main products are Hong Kong VPS hosts and servers, but now it also sells American CN2 GIA VPS and Singapore VPS hosts. Although the official website is in English, since it is run by Chinese people, the after-sales service is naturally in Chinese, and the official website also has a Telegram channel that often releases some preferential information. I have heard about GigsGigsCloud several times from friends.

Alibaba Cloud International Edition Hong Kong Computer Room Speed ​​and Performance Evaluation - Fast but disk IO and memory are bottlenecks

In the past, Alibaba Cloud's computer rooms in Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and other places have always been under the impression that they are expensive and slow. After trying out the VPS host of the Alibaba Cloud international version of the Singapore computer room last time, I found that the VPS host of the CN2 line was not accessible to telecom users. It’s still quite fast, so I took advantage of the price reduction of Alibaba Cloud International Edition’s Hong Kong computer room to US$9/month and bought one.

SoarClouds Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan VPS host performance and speed evaluation-pay-as-you-go traffic

SoarClouds, that is,, its Chinese name is Chongshangyunxiao VPS (I can no longer complain about such a name that is the same as a TV series o(╯□╰)o). It is a newly established VPS hosting provider by Chinese people. It provides VPS hosting. There are South Korea's CN2, South Korea's KT, Japan's SoftBank, Taiwan and Hong Kong computer rooms, and the prices of VPS hosts are not very high.

Hostker Hong Kong CN2 VPS host performance and speed evaluation - timely billing is fast but IO is very slow

Hostker is a domestic VPS host provider. Last time I read a friend’s submission about Hostker’s US VPS and Hong Kong VPS host experience-VPS performance and speed evaluation results. I feel that the price of Hostker’s VPS host is quite cheap. Plus Alibaba Cloud International Edition During the use of the VPS host in Hong Kong, I found that IO was the bottleneck of website building, and I was wondering if I could find a better VPS host in Hong Kong.

Haixingyun VPS host performance and speed evaluation-Japan SoftBank/Hong Kong NTT CN2 two-way/Singapore pccw

HXKVM Haixing Cloud host is a Chinese host provider, which is a product of 90 Innovation Lab. It is the same as the Hostker host shell Hong Kong CN2 VPS shared before. HXKVM's main products are Singapore computer room SSD, Hong Kong NTT CN2 computer room SSD, Los Angeles computer room SSD, Hong Kong CloudIE computer room SSD, and Tokyo computer room SSD.

Hostker US VPS and Hong Kong VPS hosting experience - VPS performance and speed evaluation results

Hostker was established at an unknown date and is a cloud VPS hosting provider affiliated with 90 Innovation Lab Company. Here is an introduction about the company 90 Innovation Lab: 90 Innovation Lab was founded in 2012. It has extremely strong technical strength. The average working time of its team members is 6+ years. It has built its own cabinets in many computer rooms around the world.

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