SoarClouds, that is,, its Chinese name is Chongshangyunxiao VPS (I can no longer complain about such a name that is the same as a TV series o(╯□╰)o). It is a newly established VPS hosting provider by Chinese people. It provides VPS hosting. There are South Korea's CN2, South Korea's KT, Japan's SoftBank, Taiwan and Hong Kong computer rooms, and the prices of VPS hosts are not very high.

However, the biggest feature of SoarClouds is that VPS traffic is billed according to usage. For example, VPS in South Korea's CN2 computer room charges 1 yuan/GB outbound, Taiwan and Japan computer rooms charge 0.6 yuan/GB outbound, and Hong Kong computer room charges 0.3 Yuan/GB charge. If your monthly traffic is 100GB, the converted fee is 100 yuan, 60 yuan and 30 yuan.

Therefore, the actual usage price of SoarClouds is still very high, especially not suitable for some high-traffic websites or applications. The advantage of SoarClouds lies in the VPS lines in South Korea and Japan. The Korean CN2 and Korean KT lines are very fast for domestic access. The Japanese Softbank line should be regarded as the best domestic line connecting Japan.

SoarClouds Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan VPS host performance and speed evaluation-pay-as-you-go traffic

The VPS of SoarClouds Taiwan and Hong Kong computer rooms do not have much advantage over Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong, classic VPS host Hong Kong, etc. This article will focus on evaluating the SoarClouds Korean CN2 VPS host, and more VPS hosts in South Korea, Hong Kong, and Japan. ,You can have a look:

  1. Hostker Hong Kong CN2 VPS host performance and speed evaluation - timely billing is fast but IO is very slow
  2. Classic VPS host Hong Kong computer room VPS performance and speed evaluation-pccw route is comparable to CN2 VPS
  3. Kdatacenter Korean VPS host performance and speed evaluation-SK computer room is fast but not easy to use

PS: Updated on March 24, 2018, The VPS host in South Korea is slightly more expensive. You can try a cheap VPS host in the United States. The monthly payment is only US$1-2: CloudCone US cheap VPS host performance and speed Review - Alipay payment based on time billing.

1. Introduction to SoarClouds VPS Hosting

PS: Updated on January 2, 2020, This merchant ran away for no reason. Please be cautious before buying a VPS from a small merchant. Summary of more bankrupt VPS merchants: Summary of bankrupt VPS host merchants - Paolu VPS host and server merchant list.

Official website:

  1. Home page:

Computer room speed demonstration:

South Korea Zone A test IP:

South Korea Zone B test IP:

Japan Area A and Area B test IP:

Taiwan Area A and Area B test IP:

Hong Kong Zone A test IP:

1.1  Outbound traffic is billed separately

It should be noted that the price of SoarClouds VPS hosting package only indicates the price of memory, CPU, and hard disk. For example, the monthly payment for South Korea's CN2 computer room is 59 yuan, and the configuration is vCPU: 1 core, memory: 1GB, bandwidth: 10Mbps shared. And its outbound traffic is 1GB/month.

Everyone needs to pay special attention when purchasing. If the monthly traffic of the website exceeds 100GB, it is better not to choose a VPS from a Korean computer room. The monthly traffic of Korean Kdatacenter VPS is 500GB and the price of 1GB of shared bandwidth is less than 20 US dollars. The price/performance ratio is much higher.

1.2  Inbound traffic may also be charged

In addition to charging for outbound traffic, SoarClouds VPS also charges for inbound traffic. By default, only 10GB of free inbound traffic is provided, but the inbound (downstream) is 2 times greater than and the outbound (upstream) traffic will be TOLL. Example of charging rules: XX uses 20GB of outbound traffic, and at the same time has a free inbound "quota" of 50GB (20*2+10).

1.3  VPS host creation and management

After payment, a VPS host will be created in the background.

Select the operating system you want to install, Linux and Windows are supported.

Wait for the VPS host to be created.

The SoarClouds VPS control panel is integrated with WHMCS and has basic functions such as system reinstallation, usage statistics, system snapshots, security groups, firewalls, etc.

This is a usage statistics chart, where you can see traffic statistics.

2. SoarClouds VPS performance evaluation

This is the configuration information of the SoarClouds Korean CN2 VPS host. It has 1GB of memory and the disk IO read and write speed is only 40MB/s, which is considered slow.

This is the bandwidth test result of the computer room. The uplink and downlink bandwidth test results are about 4MB/s.

This is the ping value of SoarClouds VPS to various parts of the country.

Finally, the performance score of the VPS with 1GB of memory was tested using unixbench, with a score of about 1,500. (Click to enlarge)

The performance test scripts used in this article are referenced from: Three free tools to help you detect the authenticity of VPS servers - VPS host performance and speed test methods.

3. SoarClouds VPS speed test

Local telecommunications uses SFTP to directly upload files to the VPS host, but the speed does not reach 100KB/s.

Using SFTP to download files locally, the speed remains at around 500KB/s, which seems to be a speed limit.

Telecom uses the CN2 line. Tested with webmaster tools, telecom users use the CN2 line to access South Korea's CN2 computer room.

China Unicom takes the CN2 line. China Unicom users also take the CN2 line and export to South Korea via Shanghai Telecom.

Take the CN2 line to move. The same goes for mobile users and China Unicom users, who export to South Korea through Shanghai Telecom.

The backhaul test results also show that all three networks use the CN2 line. The telecom test results are as follows:

China Unicom test results are as follows:

The mobile test results are as follows:

Tested with the webmaster's Ping tool, China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom all remained below 70.

Regarding the line identification of CN2 VPS hosts, you can refer to: Identifying True and False CN2 Line Hosts Reference Manual.

4. Summary

This article tests the VPS host of South Korea’s CN2 line. Please consider the VPS hosts of other computer rooms at your own discretion. Judging from the test data, the VPS of South Korea's CN2 line has an advantage in ping value, but the IO read and write speed is slow, and the computer room bandwidth is 10MB shared. In actual personal use, the speed will still be limited.

Chongshangyunxiao VPS hosting charges according to the traffic. If its line is stable, you can consider building a website. It is not suitable for "large traffic" application needs. As an old rule, you need to be cautious when buying a newly established VPS hosting provider. Last time DGCHost was found to have bugs in the official website, I also found various problems with the VPS management panel of DCHost during the test.

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