WeChat Tiaoyitiao game auxiliary tool with detailed graphic and text operation tutorials - automatically increase points without plug-ins

Recently, everyone's circle of friends has been flooded with a "mini program" of WeChat - the Tiaoyitiao game. This is a sign that WeChat is further "moving closer" to QQ. In the past, WeChat was just a simple chat and friend-making tool. Later, WeChat Pay, WeChat Moments, WeChat Search, WeChat Business, Recharge, Bicycle Sharing, etc. In short, it has become more and more bloated like QQ. I have always felt that the growth of WeChat is actually slowly squeezing out the living space of QQ, because WeChat and QQ are essentially social tools.

WeChat Tiaoyitiao game plug-in auxiliary video tutorial! Get started in one minute and easily get high scores in Tiaoyitiao

A lot of auxiliary tools and plug-in tools have appeared in WeChat Tiaoyitiao. A few days ago, I wrote an article with detailed graphic and text operation tutorials on WeChat Tiaoyitiao game auxiliary tools. Many friends have already read it. After I learned it, some friends who didn’t know how to do it added me on WeChat to inquire. At the same time, I also remotely assisted some friends to configure the environment.

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