ConoHa Japanese VPS host experience - Tokyo computer room speed is average Alipay payment

ConoHa is a hosting brand created by GMO Internet. It seems to have been established a few years ago. However, it is very powerful. It launched various VPS discounts as soon as it came out. Compared with Linode, which sold for 20 US dollars at the time, it also provides computer rooms in Tokyo, Japan. So it seems to be quite popular in China. Later, due to the large number of users, the lines became worse and worse, and attention dropped.

SoarClouds Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan VPS host performance and speed evaluation-pay-as-you-go traffic

SoarClouds, that is,, its Chinese name is Chongshangyunxiao VPS (I can no longer complain about such a name that is the same as a TV series o(╯□╰)o). It is a newly established VPS hosting provider by Chinese people. It provides VPS hosting. There are South Korea's CN2, South Korea's KT, Japan's SoftBank, Taiwan and Hong Kong computer rooms, and the prices of VPS hosts are not very high.

Haixingyun VPS host performance and speed evaluation-Japan SoftBank/Hong Kong NTT CN2 two-way/Singapore pccw

HXKVM Haixing Cloud host is a Chinese host provider, which is a product of 90 Innovation Lab. It is the same as the Hostker host shell Hong Kong CN2 VPS shared before. HXKVM's main products are Singapore computer room SSD, Hong Kong NTT CN2 computer room SSD, Los Angeles computer room SSD, Hong Kong CloudIE computer room SSD, and Tokyo computer room SSD.

Alibaba Cloud Japan VPS Host Speed ​​Performance Evaluation-Japan SoftBank Hong Kong NTT Line

Alibaba Cloud's VPS host has always attracted me to use it because of its low price and convenient and practical backend control panel. I had always put on Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong VPS, but during the use, I gradually discovered two things. Problems: First, the IO read and write speed of the VPS host is too slow, causing SWAP to run very slowly after the memory is exhausted. Second, the Alibaba Cloud VPS host will be intermittently inaccessible for users of China Mobile and China Unicom (a small number of users reported on China Telecom).

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