ConoHa is a hosting brand created by GMO Internet. It seems to have been established a few years ago. However, it is very powerful. It launched various VPS discounts as soon as it came out. Compared with Linode, which sold for 20 US dollars at the time, it also provides computer rooms in Tokyo, Japan. So it seems to be quite popular in China. Later, due to the large number of users, the lines became worse and worse, and attention dropped.

As a Japanese VPS host, ConoHa has the IP of the computer room in Tokyo, Japan. The lines are directly connected to China Telecom and China Unicom (it will be very congested at night). Unlike other Japanese hosting providers, ConoHa's payment method is Alipay, which is obviously designed to do business with Chinese people. In terms of price, the monthly payment for a 1GB VPS is about 60 yuan, which is relatively cost-effective.

Regarding Japanese VPS, at present, even for Linode, the lines in the computer room are almost destroyed. At night, the speed is basically the same as that in the American computer room. When choosing a Japanese VPS, don't blindly worship the Tokyo computer room IP, but also carefully look at the lines. For example, some merchants' lines will even detour to the United States and then to China, and the speed will be even slower.

ConoHa Japanese VPS host experience - Tokyo computer room has average speed, cheap price and supports PayPal payment

For tutorials on using VPS hosts and servers, you can also check out:

  1. Linux VPS website building tool LNMP 1.4 installation and use-SSL automatic configuration renewal and multi-version PHP support
  2. Server virtualization panel SolusVM installation and use - supports new management of OpenVZ, KVM and Xen VPS
  3. Use the MailPoet Newsletters plug-in to build RSS email subscriptions for WordPress and support SMTP

1. Use of VPS host

First go to the official website:, click to register an account, if Chinese does not appear, please select in the upper right corner of the page (it seems to be blocked by something). Then select the server to add in the background.

If you have not recharged, please go to the bill record in the upper right corner first, and then select Alipay to recharge.

On the VPS purchase page, you can choose the computer room location, memory size, operating system, Root password and some firewall settings. If you consider upgrading in the future, , if you consider upgrading in the future, it is recommended to choose a 64-bit operating system . (Click to enlarge)

After a while, ConoHa VPS will be activated successfully. This is the VPS host control panel, which includes power on and off, network information, resource overview, etc.

2. VPS performance evaluation

This is the CPU, hard disk IO and computer room bandwidth of VPS. From the data, the IO performance is still good. (Click to enlarge)

Use Benchmark to test the performance of the VPS, and the running score is over 1,000.

The second test result was over 2000, and the score was still satisfactory.

3. VPS speed test

Regarding Japanese VPS hosts, in addition to price being the biggest concern, speed is actually the key factor when we decide whether to use it or not. Directly use Winscp to upload files to the VPS server, the speed is about 300KB/s.

The download speed from VPS to local area remains above 500KB/s.

This is the domestic ping value response of VPS. It is not very ideal and is basically above 100.

4. VPS upgrade method

Upgrade memory. Shut down the VPS first, then go directly to the detailed page of VPS management, and click Modify in the memory area.

Upgrade the hard drive. To add a hard drive or mount a new hard drive, you can click "Disk Space" and then click Buy.

Then go to the VPS details page and click Add Disk Space.

Add IP address. Click directly on the network to purchase a new IP. The number of IPs can be increased by up to 100.

5. Summary

The price of ConoHa Japanese VPS is relatively cheap, but compared to Linode and Vultr, the number of computer rooms is smaller. It seems that Windows cannot be installed in the background, but BBr can be installed. In terms of speed, it performs normally during the day, but becomes slower at night.

Although the ConoHa Japan VPS host will state the monthly payment when you purchase it, during the actual use process, the fee will be deducted based on the length of time you use it. At this point, I have to complain about the pitfalls of annual payment made by domestic host companies.

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