How to obtain a free .edu email address - Use an education email address to obtain a summary list of free VPS domain name software

The free .edu email has always been wanted by many people. The reason is that there are many paid resources abroad, such as VPS hosts, domain names, software, etc., which are provided to students for free. The way to verify students is basically to have an educational email. That’s it. Earlier, domestic email addresses could also be used to apply for foreign space and domain names, but now you may need to upload documents.

Three major reasons why I gave up Tencent Alibaba Cloud enterprise email - Attached is a summary of domestic and foreign enterprise (domain name) email addresses

We have been using Tencent Enterprise Mailbox's SMTP as the main way to send emails. However, recently, Tencent Enterprise Mailbox has started to have various problems when sending emails. On the one hand, with the increase in subscribers and the adoption of MailPoet Newsletters, a large number of push emails have to be sent every time an article is updated, which will cause Tencent corporate mailboxes to limit sending letters.

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