Classic VPS host CN2 GIA VPS performance speed test-triple network direct connection two-way CN2 speed

When many people ask me about VPS on QQ and WeChat, I will recommend using CN2 VPS host, because compared to ordinary telecom direct-connected hosts, CN2 VPS can reach more than MB/s, whether it is used for "surfing the Internet" or "chatting" Or "watch videos", CN2 VPS host is definitely much better than those VPS hosts with ordinary lines, and CN2 VPS is very cheap. The cheap American CN2 VPS shared before is to be precise CN2 GT VPS, which is the global transit in Telecom's CN2 product line.

Hostker Hong Kong CN2 VPS host performance and speed evaluation - timely billing is fast but IO is very slow

Hostker is a domestic VPS host provider. Last time I read a friend’s submission about Hostker’s US VPS and Hong Kong VPS host experience-VPS performance and speed evaluation results. I feel that the price of Hostker’s VPS host is quite cheap. Plus Alibaba Cloud International Edition During the use of the VPS host in Hong Kong, I found that IO was the bottleneck of website building, and I was wondering if I could find a better VPS host in Hong Kong.

Haixingyun VPS host performance and speed evaluation-Japan SoftBank/Hong Kong NTT CN2 two-way/Singapore pccw

HXKVM Haixing Cloud host is a Chinese host provider, which is a product of 90 Innovation Lab. It is the same as the Hostker host shell Hong Kong CN2 VPS shared before. HXKVM's main products are Singapore computer room SSD, Hong Kong NTT CN2 computer room SSD, Los Angeles computer room SSD, Hong Kong CloudIE computer room SSD, and Tokyo computer room SSD.

Kdatacenter Korean VPS host performance and speed evaluation-SK computer room is fast but not easy to use

Many friends have asked where the server of the website is located. In fact, if a website without a BA number wants fast speed, they usually choose computer rooms in Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and other places. From a physical perspective, these computer rooms are the closest to domestic bandwidth exit points (such as Shanghai and Guangzhou) and have the fastest connection speeds. Kdatacenter is a VPS host and server seller under South Korea's It mainly sells SSD VPS hosts and independent servers in South Korea's SK and KT computer rooms.

Choose rationally! Comparison of the performance and speed of classic VPS hosts - one item deserves attention when building a website

Recently, because the system load of the website is often too high, I checked the reason is that after enabling SWAP due to memory exhaustion, the disk IOWait appears to be high. In my impression, the hard drive of a classic VPS host is an SSD, and the read and write speeds previously tested were as high as GB/s or above. In theory, such a good hard drive is very good for building a website. However, when I tested several classic VPS hosts I was using again, I found that the performance and speed of the classic VPS hosts were much lower than the previous test data.

CloudCone US cheap VPS host performance and speed evaluation-time billing Alipay payment

CloudCone is an American VPS host and a sub-brand of quadcone, which was established in 2012. The VPS hosting currently provided is in the MC computer room in Los Angeles, USA. The advantage of CloudCone's VPS host is that it is cheap. The cheapest VPS host is 512MB memory and 10GB hard drive for $2.67, and it is charged on a timely basis and can be deleted at any time. CloudCone's billing method is similar to Linode and DigitalOcean. You need to recharge the account before creating a VPS host. However, if you don't want to use the VPS, you can delete it at any time.

Tencent Cloud VPS host performance and speed evaluation-Cheap 10 yuan/month 1 core 2G memory VPS host

If you want to choose a VPS host in China, you will usually choose Tencent Cloud or Alibaba Cloud VPS. There are two reasons: First, VPS is cheap. Regardless of whether you are doing activities or not, Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud have pushed domestic VPS very low. . Recently, after comparing Qingyun, UCloud, Meituan Cloud, JD Cloud VPS, Baidu Cloud VPS, Didi Cloud VPS, etc., Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud VPS are the cheapest. Second, Tencent Cloud or Alibaba Cloud VPS are serious about building products.

DigitalOcean cloud VPS host performance and speed evaluation-cheap price, good performance but average speed

DigitalOcean is a VPS hosting provider in the United States that was once mentioned as often as Linode. The main reason may be that DigitalOcean provides VPS hosts with the same configuration but at very cheap prices. Back then, Linode’s cheapest VPS sold for $20. Now Linode only sells for $5 and has 1GB of memory, while DigitalOcean still maintains the price of $5. Original price. DigitalOcean's currently cheapest VPS host has 512MB memory, 20GB SSD hard drive and 1TB monthly traffic. Friends who have used Linode VPS and Vultr VPS know that this price is definitely not cost-effective.

Domestic Telecom NAT VPS, China Unicom NAT VPS and Mobile NAT VPS usage evaluation-CloudIPLC and Uovz VPS

Some time ago, in order to provide server line quality monitoring service with computers from China Unicom and China Mobile, I discovered that many domestic NAT VPS hosts are selling very well. On the one hand, they may be cheap, on the other hand, they should be It is said that there is such a demand market, for example, telecom users want China Unicom IP or mobile IP. At this time, NAT VPS comes in handy.

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