Alibaba Cloud Japan VPS Host Speed ​​Performance Evaluation-Japan SoftBank Hong Kong NTT Line

Alibaba Cloud's VPS host has always attracted me to use it because of its low price and convenient and practical backend control panel. I had always put on Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong VPS, but during the use, I gradually discovered two things. Problems: First, the IO read and write speed of the VPS host is too slow, causing SWAP to run very slowly after the memory is exhausted. Second, the Alibaba Cloud VPS host will be intermittently inaccessible for users of China Mobile and China Unicom (a small number of users reported on China Telecom).

Linode VPS host download speed test of major VPS computer rooms and VPS host package list

For a long time, if you choose a foreign VPS host to build a website, Linode VPS has always been my first choice for website building. Whether it is the price of the VPS host or the stability of the VPS host, Linode's VPS host is really cost-effective. The only disadvantage of Linode VPS is that the line is not very good for domestic use, and the speed is sometimes good or bad.

Some experiences on using classic VPS hosts - a summary of VPS performance and speed evaluations in major computer rooms

I have been using the classic VPS host for several years. I didn’t pay attention to it at first, because the classic VPS host is a low-priced one. According to the normal thinking, the low-priced VPS host cannot be used for website building, because I have used cheap VPS hosts. Friends of VPS hosting will know that VPS hosting is really worth every penny. Later, the classic VPS host launched the CN2 line, and it suddenly felt really fast. Although it is a bit slow at night, the access speed during the day is indeed a major advantage of CN2 VPS.

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