Two DNS products suitable for personal use: ClouDNS and DNS Made Easy domain name resolution

In the past, the first thing I thought of when using DNS was free DNS, because paying or not paying for DNS domain name resolution does not really seem that important compared to hosting and domain names. In reality, there are also many free DNSs, such as DNSPOD, Cloudxns, Alibaba Cloud Analysis, JD Cloud DNS, etc. You can find more in this article’s summary list of domestic and foreign free DNS domain name resolution services.

NS1 DNS domain name resolution uses-Master/Slave master-slave DNS and partition resolution around the world is a foreign professional DNS domain name resolution service provider. In addition to paid DNS domain name resolution, it also provides free DNS domain name resolution packages. The free limit is 500k Queries, 50 Records, 1 Built-in Monitor, and 1 Filter. Chain and NS1 API can basically meet the needs of daily website building.

Compilation and summary of public DNS services at home and abroad - faster, safer and more stable local DNS resolution service

The public DNS server here refers to the DNS domain name resolution server used locally by our computer. Generally, when we connect to the broadband, we will automatically obtain the DNS server of the local ISP. However, have you ever found that some "inexplicable" pop-ups occasionally pop up when accessing web pages on your computer? "advertisment? A typical example is that advertisements are inserted into web pages and cannot be removed by anti-virus software.

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