The public DNS server here refers to the DNS domain name resolution server used locally by our computer. Generally, when we connect to the broadband, we will automatically obtain the DNS server of the local ISP. However, have you ever found that some "inexplicable" pop-ups occasionally pop up when accessing web pages on your computer? "advertisment? A typical example is that advertisements are inserted into web pages and cannot be removed by anti-virus software.

Also, when visiting shopping websites such as Taobao and, you clearly enter the official website URL, but after opening it, you always find that the URL has a "little tail". These problems are actually related to local DNS support. Some unscrupulous merchants use DNS domain names. Analyzers make malicious jumps, insert forced advertisements, etc., while seeking "private gains" for themselves, they also cause "trouble" to netizens.

The current solution is to manually specify the local DNS server yourself. Choosing a public DNS server that is mutually recognized by everyone can not only speed up domain name resolution and improve the efficiency of opening web pages, but can also avoid DNS hijacking to a certain extent and protect your privacy. This article collects and organizes major public DNS services at home and abroad for your reference and selection.

Compilation and summary of public DNS services at home and abroad - faster, safer and more stable DNS resolution service

For more information about website construction and webmaster tools, here are:

  1. VPS host ranking list
  2. Domestic and foreign enterprise (domain name) email summary
  3. Collection and summary of free SSL certificates

1. How to modify local DNS?

Since many people easily confuse the local DNS resolution server with what we often call domain name DNS resolution, here is a brief explanation of how to modify the public DNS, as shown in the figure below:

2. How to choose the fastest DNS?

  1. Download:

Here is a DNS Jumper software recommended for everyone to use. DNS Jumper contains multiple public DNS and supports batch testing of the local resolution speed of the DNS server.

The tested DNS service also supports one-click settings.

3. Summary of public DNS services at home and abroad

nameDNS server IP (1)DNS server IP (2)Belongscore
Google DNS8. USA9.5
Cloudflare & APNIC1. USA9.3
Hurricane Electric74.82.42.4266.220.18.42USA HE9.0
VeriSignVeriSign64.6.64.664.6.65.6VeriSign USA8.8
Yandex Basic77.88.8.877.88.8.1Russia Yandex8.6
Ali AliDNS223.5.5.5223.6.6.6Alibaba8.6
114 DNS114.114.114.114114.114.115.115Nanjing Tradewind Network Technology8.5
IBM Quad99.9.9.9IBM, USA8.5
HiNet DNS168.95.192.1168.95.1.1Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwan, China8.0
CNNIC SDNS1.2.4.8210.2.4.8China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC)8.0
V2EX DNS199.91.73.222178.79.131.110V2EX8.0
USTC DNS202.141.162.123 (telecommunications) (Education Network)University of Science and Technology of China7.9
oneDNS117.50.11.11117.50.22.22Xi'an Wandiens Network7.9
KT DNS168.126.63.1168.126.63.2Korea KT7.7
Tsinghua University TUNA DNS666101.6.6.62001:da8::666

Tsinghua University7.6
Freenom World80.80.80.8080.80.81.81American Freenom7.5
DNSReactor104.236.210.2945.55.155.25US DNSReactor7.4
Comodo Secure8., USA7.3
Siemens Spinach Server (Hong Kong) Hong Kong, China7.2
SafeDNS195.46.39.39195.46.39.40US SafeDNS7.2
Dyn DNS216.146.35.35216.146.36.36American Dyn7.1
Norton ConnectSafe199.85.126.10199.85.127.10Norton, United States7.0
UltraDNS156.154.70.1156.154.71.1US UltraDNS7.0
Hong Kong Broadband DNS203.80.96.10203.80.96.9China Hong Kong Broadband7.0
UCOM Japan Tokyo203.112.2.4Japan UCOM7.0
DNS faction101.226.4.6123.125.81.6Juliu Technology6.8

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