VestaCP installation and usage tutorial-free VPS and virtual host control panel comes with post office and DNS resolution system

VestaCP is a free hosting control panel developed by foreigners. It can help you quickly manage VPS hosts and servers. You can use VestaCP as a virtual host management system, because VestaCP supports online creation of websites, binding domain names, management of MysqL, Set scheduled backup and other tasks. It is almost similar to the Cpanel panel.

Zoho Mail is an easy-to-use and cheap business email-Zoho business (domain name) email application and use tutorial

In the past, I have used Tencent Enterprise Email, Alibaba Cloud Enterprise Email and Gmail SMTP for free. However, during subsequent use, I found that there are various problems with free SMTP sending, such as requiring various authentications and restrictions. Frequency of sending emails, strict anti-spam policies, rejection of foreign emails, etc. I have talked about these issues in the three major reasons why I gave up Tencent Alibaba Cloud Enterprise Email.

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