Website blocking and blocking IP access settings for specific regions and countries - PHP code/Nginx/WordPress settings

There are many friends who have built foreign trade websites who want to restrict their websites from being accessed by domestic IPs. There are also some friends whose websites store resources that need to be blocked from specific IPs for various reasons. Some friends have seen attacks. Most of the source IPs come from abroad, and you want to prevent foreign IPs from accessing the website.

Solution to Linux system disk space full-No Space Left on Device error

Regarding the problem of the Linux disk being full, I have encountered it before when using the WDCP panel because the website log was enabled in the background of the panel, but the log was not deleted regularly. In the long run, the disk space of the VPS host was filled up with logs. When the disk space reaches 100%, some inexplicable errors will occur on the website, such as being unable to log in to the background, unable to comment, and the page is blank, etc.

Cloudflare automatically blocks malicious IPs to the firewall and automatically switches to a 5-second shield script to prevent CC attacks

A friend put his corporate website on his cloud host, and the traffic was not large. However, because it was used and was often attacked by CC, the main manifestation was that the IO and CPU increased sharply. Finally, the database hung up and the website became inaccessible. Cloudflare was enabled at the beginning, but the attacker scanned frantically and the defense effect was average.

VPS host and server security protection: SSH port modification, whitelist addition, key login only

Recently, when a friend was using his Yunfu host, he discovered that SSH has been violently scanned by others. Although the SSH account and password have never been guessed, if someone keeps staring at him, something will happen sooner or later. I helped him set up an S-S-H login whitelist, which only allows login access from his own IP, and rejects all other IPs.

Five security tips for using a free VPS control panel – don’t let hackers take advantage

For new VPS hosting website builders, I always recommend using the VPS hosting control panel. There are many free VPS host control panels on the market now. Many friends who have just transitioned from virtual hosts to VPS are not very familiar with the commands. The VPS host control panel is easy to use and can greatly improve work efficiency.

Eight tips for optimizing HTTPS and SSL - reducing waiting time and reducing HTTPS performance loss

As everyone's awareness of online security increases, and major Internet companies promote the popularization of HTTPS, HTTPS SSL has now basically become the standard for building websites. Thanks to the free SSL certificates provided by Let’s Encrypt, Digicert, TrustAsia, Symantec, etc., the cost of using HTTPS is now negligible whether it is a personal website or a corporate website.

Breaking the MySQL open file descriptor limit-database Too many open files problem

Due to the increase in the number of CN2 space users, Mysql process has always crashed in the middle of the night recently. I checked the Mysql error log and the prompts are: [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files. It turns out that it is because of open files. Insufficiency causes the database to hang up, especially when the DirectAdmin system is backed up at night.

Three Steps to Uncover Abnormal Server Traffic - Linux Server Traffic Bandwidth Monitoring and Statistical Commands

Last time, a friend raised a question about the storage of English picture sites in the website digging forum. There was a sentence in the description of the problem that particularly impressed me - " I do not recommend VPS bare metal to novices, even if you are proficient. If you use WP to build a website, you may not be able to handle server management. " I actually heard this sentence when I first started building a website, so I took a lot of detours and suffered a lot of "dumb losses." .

Basic ideas for VPS host attack defense against CC and DDOS - anti-scanning firewall blocking strategy

More and more people are using VPS hosts to build websites, but compared with virtual hosts or managed servers, personal VPS hosts are basically unmanaged. That is, the host provider is only responsible for the smooth network of the VPS host. As for technical issues You have to figure it out on your own. In the past, the VPS hosts used by Alibaba Cloud were often attacked by CC and DDOS. Basically, every time they were attacked, they would enter Alibaba Cloud's "black hole".

Main application technologies and supporting features of blogs - summary of website and server optimization methods

Many people come to the blog to ask questions about website server configuration information and website optimization methods. This article will summarize the technologies and features that have been around over the years. I hope it can be useful to friends in need. As a reference, this article will always be updated, and the latest applications will be updated here in time.

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