WHMCS payment gateway - installation and use of open source and free WHMCS Alipay, WeChat and Youzan plug-ins

WHMCS is a very easy-to-use financial management system. Except for a few foreign VPS hosting companies that have developed their own financial systems, most hosting companies (such as classic VPS) use WHMCS. WHMCS can be used to sell hosts, domain names, space, etc., as well as accounts, virtual downloads, certificates, etc. But if WHMCS is used in China, one of the biggest problems is the WHMCS payment gateway problem. WHMCS comes with Paypal, but gateway interfaces such as Alipay and WeChat need to be developed before they can be accessed.

WHMCS adds Alipay and WeChat payment, theme template modification method and PDF invoice garbled problem resolution

Recently, because I launched WHMCS, I suddenly discovered that WHMCS basically realizes most of the online sales tasks of small webmasters. I originally thought of using the WordPress online sales plug-in "Easy Digital Downloads" to create a WP-based virtual item sales platform, but I found that if It's actually easier to use WHMCS.

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