Recently, because I launched WHMCS, I suddenly discovered that WHMCS basically realizes most of the online sales tasks of small webmasters. I originally thought of using the WordPress online sales plug-in "Easy Digital Downloads" to create a WP-based virtual item sales platform, but I found that if It's actually easier to use WHMCS.

WHMCS can not only sell hosts, domain names, VPS, etc., but also sell digital products, such as programs, software or authorization files that can only be downloaded after purchase. WHMCS can do this. Interested friends can study it. What this article wants to share is to solve the problem of adding Alipay and WeChat payment to WHMCS.

Most of the WHMCS Alipay and WeChat interfaces on the Internet are paid, but of course there are some free ones. But even if you find a free interface, it is almost impossible for individual webmasters to apply for Alipay and WeChat interfaces, because now the application requires a business license, which is definitely not possible for individual webmasters. This gave rise to the emergence of third-party visa-free payment platforms.

WHMCS adds Alipay and WeChat payment, theme template modification method and PDF invoice garbled problem resolution

This article will share with novice friends how to install and modify WHMCS theme templates, and at the same time solve the problem of garbled PDF invoices in WHMCS. For more website building resources and website building tutorials, interested friends can check out:

  1. WHMCS integrates Vultr to automatically activate VPS host method - realize VPS distribution on WHMCS
  2. VestaCP and WHMCS integration tutorial - realize self-service activation of virtual host and sales of host space products
  3. OneinStack one-click installation script - easily deploy Let’s Encrypt certificate and configure HTTPS site

PS: Updated on February 22, 2019, For WHMCS email sending and other related problems, please refer to this article: WHMCS uses SMTP to send emails, Chinese localization, scheduled tasks, discount codes, time zones and Email template settings.

1. WHMCS Alipay WeChat payment

Friends who are qualified and qualified to apply for the Alipay payment interface can directly go to the Alipay merchant page to activate the application. Here is how a personal webmaster like me solves the problem of connecting WHMCS to Alipay and WeChat payments. Jinshajiang API:

Here, Jinshajiang API is used as the access platform to demonstrate the operation (Thanks to my friend "Big Brother Wang" for providing me with the information. If you have other better platforms, please leave a message to tell me). Jinshajiang API supports Alipay, WeChat, and QQ payment. For visa-free access, first go to the official website to apply for an account.

You can modify the downloaded template according to your own needs. The following is the description of each WHMCS template file:

Regular templates (/templates/ directory):

header.tpl – public header

footer.tpl – public footer

homepage.tpl – website home page

announcements.tpl – Announcement Center

viewannouncement.tpl – Announcement content page

knowledgebase.tpl – Help Center Home Page

knowledgebasecat.tpl – Help category page

knowledgebasearticle.tpl – Help article page

downloads.tpl – Resource center page, listing resource categories

downloadscat.tpl – Resource classification page, listing resources

serverstatus.tpl – server status

domainchecker.tpl – Domain name registration (single domain name search)

bulkdomainchecker.tpl – bulk domain name search

bulkdomaintransfer.tpl – Bulk domain name transfer

clientregister.tpl – Member registration

login.tpl – login page, including member center page

logout.tpl – logout page

pwreset.tpl – Reset password page

pwresetvalidation.tpl – Reset password verification page

clientareahome.tpl – Home page after logging in to the member center

clientareadetails.tpl – My profile

clientareacontacts.tpl – Contact subaccount

clientareaaddcontact.tpl – Add a new contact

clientareachangepw.tpl – change password

clientareaproducts.tpl – My products page

clientareaproductdetails.tpl – Product details page

upgrade.tpl – product upgrade page

upgradesummary.tpl – Product upgrade page 2

clientareadomains.tpl – My domain name interface

clientareadomaindetails.tpl – domain name details page

clientareadomaindns.tpl – domain name resolution interface

clientareadomaincontactinfo.tpl – domain name registrant information

clientareadomainregisterns.tpl – register domain name server

clientareadomainrenew.tpl – domain name renewal

clientareainvoices.tpl – Bill list

viewinvoice.tpl – View invoice details

supportticketslist.tpl – support tickets list

supportticketsubmit-stepone.tpl – supports single department selection

supportticketsubmit-steptwo.tpl – Submit support ticket page

supportticketsubmit-confirm.tpl – support ticket submitted successfully

viewticket.tpl - View TK

affiliatessignup.tpl – Recommend money-making account activation page

affiliates.tpl – Make money by recommending the page

banned.tpl – warning page after an IP is banned

forwardpage.tpl – payment jump page after selecting payment method

masspay.tpl – Bulk payment page

clientareaaddfunds.tpl – account recharge page

Order template (located in /templates/orderforms/ directory):

products.tpl - lists product categories and products

adddomain.tpl – the first step in domain name registration order

addons.tpl – Lists add-ons that users can order at login for their existing hosting plan

domainrenewals.tpl – Lists domain names in customer accounts, allowing advance ordering of spare parts parts.

configureproductdomain.tpl – product domain name selection

domainoptions.tpl – Template used to display domain name availability check results.

configproduct.tpl – Set the product’s billing cycle, configurable options, and customer area before adding the product to the shopping cart.

configuredomains.tpl – Select the domain name plug-in, complete the requirements of the customer area and the customer domain name server

ordersummary.tpl – used to display the shopping cart catalog and product summary during the ordering process

viewcart.tpl – displays the shopping cart catalog and checkout process

login.tpl – for logging in to existing users

complete.tpl – This page appears at the end of the checkout process

4. PDF invoice garbled problem

WHMCS invoice PDF will be garbled for Chinese, for example:

The solution is to download the Chinese font at: After decompression, there are three files: droidsansfallback.php, droidsansfallback.ctg.z, and droidsansfallback.z. Place it in the path: /vendor/tecnickcom/tcpdf/fonts/.

Then go to the invoice settings of "General Settings" and select Custom for the font system, and enter droidsansfallback for the content.

5. Summary

Although it is more convenient for WHMCS to access Alipay and WeChat and use third-party visa-free platforms, there are certain risks during use. After all, funds still need to be withdrawn by a third party before they can be returned to you. If you are a big fan, you should find a way to apply for opening the payment interface on Alipay’s official website.

I also searched a lot for WHMCS theme templates on the Internet, but in the end I found that the theme from the official website is more reliable to use. Those beautiful WHMCS themes are expensive, and the free version has too few functions and too many restrictions. Generally speaking, it is best to directly modify the default theme of WHMCS yourself.

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