Use SolusVM to set up a NAT VPS host on the server/VPS - integrate WHMCS to sell NAT VPS

SolusVM has been shared before in the server virtualization panel SolusVM installation and use. This foreign powerful VPS host management and control system mainly allows you to virtualize VPS hosts from independent servers for different users, and SolusVM can also be used with With WHMCS and other integrations, everyone has seen that Chinese VPS on the market is basically this combination.

Domestic Telecom NAT VPS, China Unicom NAT VPS and Mobile NAT VPS usage evaluation-CloudIPLC and Uovz VPS

Some time ago, in order to provide server line quality monitoring service with computers from China Unicom and China Mobile, I discovered that many domestic NAT VPS hosts are selling very well. On the one hand, they may be cheap, on the other hand, they should be It is said that there is such a demand market, for example, telecom users want China Unicom IP or mobile IP. At this time, NAT VPS comes in handy.

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