Use SolusVM to set up a NAT VPS host on the server/VPS - integrate WHMCS to sell NAT VPS

SolusVM has been shared before in the server virtualization panel SolusVM installation and use. This foreign powerful VPS host management and control system mainly allows you to virtualize VPS hosts from independent servers for different users, and SolusVM can also be used with With WHMCS and other integrations, everyone has seen that Chinese VPS on the market is basically this combination.

SolusVM installation graphic tutorial and method of activating KVM VPS host-SolusVM master and controlled installation process

After purchasing a dedicated server, we may think of using the large bandwidth and large hard disk of the dedicated server to virtualize more VPS hosts for other people to use. SolusVM, a powerful server control panel, makes it easy to virtualize VPS from a dedicated server. Easy, almost similar to creating multiple virtual hosts in Cpanel.

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