Use .user.ini file to modify open_basedir to enhance PHP system security

.user.ini is an lnmp file, which contains the folder path address of the website. The purpose is to prevent cross-directory access and cross-directory reading of files. In a certain sense, it ensures potential security issues that may be caused by unknown PHP code. .

The configuration is placed in the root directory .user.ini

open_basedir=/project path/:/tmp/:/proc/     


Web page tag cloud custom format automatic generation program example

A tag cloud is a set of related tags and their corresponding weights. A typical tag cloud has 30 to 150 tags. affect the font size or other visual effects used. Meanwhile, histograms or pie charts are most commonly used to represent about 12 different weights. Therefore, the tag cloud can represent more rights, although it is less accurate. Additionally, tag clouds are often interactive: tags are typically hyperlinks that allow users to drill down to their content.

Introduction to web chart display js library Highcharts/Highstock

Statistical charts with numerical information play an important role on Internet web pages. In addition to the basic function of displaying numbers, people now pay more and more attention to the beauty and interactivity of these charts. As a result, programmers are facing more and more serious challenges. The process that most people imagine using drawing software to generate pictures and then putting them on web pages is unrealistic.

Bing daily picture api official interface

Bing daily picture official interface:

Among them, format can choose xml and js (json)

idx represents the data of several days forward, 0 is the current day, 1 is the previous day

n represents the number of pictures returned each time, the maximum is 8

Using idx and n in combination, the test returns data 15 days before the current date at the earliest. 

Return results:

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