Bing daily picture official interface:

Among them, format can choose xml and js (json)

idx represents the data of several days forward, 0 is the current day, 1 is the previous day

n represents the number of pictures returned each time, the maximum is 8

Using idx and n in combination, the test returns data 15 days before the current date at the earliest. 

Return results:

"images": [{
"startdate": "20191008",
"fullstartdate": "201910080700",
"enddate": "20191009",
"url": "/th?id=OHR.WorldOctopus_EN-CN1134231846_1920x1080.jpg&rf=LaDigue_1920x1080.jpg&pid=hp",
"urlbase": "/th?id=OHR.WorldOctopus_EN-CN1134231846",
"copyright": "Octopus spotted during a night dive near Kona, Hawaii (© Jeff Milisen/Alamy)",
"copyrightlink": "",
"title": "Let's celebrate cephalopods",
"quiz": "/search?q=Bing+homepage+quiz&filters=WQOskey:%22HPQuiz_20191008_WorldOctopus%22&FORM=HPQUIZ",
"wp": true,
"hsh": "4324ca30d92e268433940d37b824a51e",
"drk": 1,
"top": 1,
"bot": 1,
"hs": []
"tooltips": {
"loading": "Loading...",
"previous": "Previous image",
"next": "Next image",
"walle": "This image is not available to download as wallpaper.",
"walls": "Download this image. Use of this image is restricted to wallpaper only."

Splice in front of the url to get the complete image address.

Use urlbase to stitch images of different resolutions

title and copyright are introduction and copyright description

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