Bing daily picture official interface:
Among them, format can choose xml and js (json)
idx represents the data of several days forward, 0 is the current day, 1 is the previous day
n represents the number of pictures returned each time, the maximum is 8
Using idx and n in combination, the test returns data 15 days before the current date at the earliest.
Return results:
{ "images": [{ "startdate": "20191008", "fullstartdate": "201910080700", "enddate": "20191009", "url": "/th?id=OHR.WorldOctopus_EN-CN1134231846_1920x1080.jpg&rf=LaDigue_1920x1080.jpg&pid=hp", "urlbase": "/th?id=OHR.WorldOctopus_EN-CN1134231846", "copyright": "Octopus spotted during a night dive near Kona, Hawaii (© Jeff Milisen/Alamy)", "copyrightlink": "", "title": "Let's celebrate cephalopods", "quiz": "/search?q=Bing+homepage+quiz&filters=WQOskey:%22HPQuiz_20191008_WorldOctopus%22&FORM=HPQUIZ", "wp": true, "hsh": "4324ca30d92e268433940d37b824a51e", "drk": 1, "top": 1, "bot": 1, "hs": [] }], "tooltips": { "loading": "Loading...", "previous": "Previous image", "next": "Next image", "walle": "This image is not available to download as wallpaper.", "walls": "Download this image. Use of this image is restricted to wallpaper only." } }
Splice in front of the url to get the complete image address.
Use urlbase to stitch images of different resolutions
title and copyright are introduction and copyright description