WordPress adds Alipay, WeChat reward button production examples and Paypal.me reward link

I have always had the idea of ​​adding a tip button to the website. Now that I don’t have much income from blogging, wouldn’t it be nice to have a tip button that might one day be noticed by a “big boss”? Secondly, it is now more popular to add reward buttons in self-media, such as WeChat public accounts, and knowledge payment and knowledge monetization are in the ascendant.

Five things to note when making PayPal cash withdrawals - account binding, failure to lock, handling fees and withdrawal time

For friends who make money online abroad, withdrawing US dollars through Paypal is a very troublesome thing. In the past, Paypal wire transfers were used, and the handling fee was 30 US dollars. In addition, a certain handling fee was charged for wire transfers to China. I used to use Bank of China to collect US dollar wire transfers from Paypal, and a handling fee of 12 US dollars was deducted. However, since 2016, Paypal has added another way to withdraw US dollars: continuous payment withdrawal. The basic process is to register for LianLian Pay and bind PayPal.

The whole process of Paypal withdrawal to domestic banks through Payoneer - New Paypal balance withdrawal method

It has always been inconvenient to withdraw Paypal balances to domestic banks. The official method has always been wire transfer. Unfortunately, the handling fee is too expensive. Regardless of whether it is successful or not, Paypal charges a handling fee of US$35 for a single wire transfer to the country. In China, different banks may charge additional fees.

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