Baidu Cloud Storage BOS and Baidu Cloud CDN usage experience - automatic image storage and accelerated domain name delivery

I have been using Youpaiyun's CDN acceleration before. In addition to feeling that Youpaiyun's price is more expensive than Qiniuyun CDN, other CDN management and control functions are very good, and Youpaiyun is constantly adding new ones. Technologies, such as TLS 1.3, HTTPS 2, etc., have been added to CDN. It can be said that the domestic professional CDN is pretty good.

A simple evaluation of the use and performance of Baidu Cloud Server VPS host - it is more expensive than Alibaba Cloud VPS

Baidu Cloud is a product launched by Baidu similar to Alibaba Cloud. It mainly sells VPS hosts, domain names, cloud storage, DNS, CDN, etc. Some people may also mistakenly think that Baidu Cloud is a network disk, because Baidu did call its network disk Baidu Cloud before. Later, it created a Baidu Cloud server and finally turned the network disk into a "network disk" again.

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