QYfou Los Angeles PZ Computer Room VPS Host Performance and Speed ​​Evaluation-Host + Service By Qi

QYfou is a product of Qi. It mainly provides a one-stop platform for VPS hosting + technical services. It is different from ordinary IDC. QYfou is not a traditional IDC. It is accurate. In general, it should be a "service provider". The focus of future development will be technical services, and the service targets are friends who are novices in building websites and Internet enthusiasts. Regarding product pricing, generally speaking, we will not take the low-end and cheap route.

Classic CN2 GIA VPS host configuration performance comparison - Can I build a website with 1GB CN2 GIA VPS?

The classic VPS host launched the CN2 GIA VPS host, which has been welcomed by many friends. The CN2 GIA VPS host package is often out of stock. After the recent replenishment, many friends asked whether it is possible to build a website with 1GB memory CN2 GIA VPS? Because I used Alibaba Cloud's 1GB memory Hong Kong VPS before, and there was indeed a bottleneck problem in disk IO and memory.

Some experiences on using classic VPS hosts - a summary of VPS performance and speed evaluations in major computer rooms

I have been using the classic VPS host for several years. I didn’t pay attention to it at first, because the classic VPS host is a low-priced one. According to the normal thinking, the low-priced VPS host cannot be used for website building, because I have used cheap VPS hosts. Friends of VPS hosting will know that VPS hosting is really worth every penny. Later, the classic VPS host launched the CN2 line, and it suddenly felt really fast. Although it is a bit slow at night, the access speed during the day is indeed a major advantage of CN2 VPS.

Summary of VPS hosting providers and computer rooms connected to CN2 lines - reference manual for identifying genuine and fake CN2 line hosts

This is a collection and summary article of VPS hosts and computer rooms currently connected to CN2 lines. The main reason for initiating this article is that Alibaba Cloud, Classic VPS, etc. have launched CN2 line hosts. After purchasing and experiencing it myself, I found that the download speed of CN2 line VPS hosts can almost always be above MB/s, and the routing packet loss rate is very low. This has greatly changed my impression of foreign VPS.

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