Linux mounting hard drive expansion method - Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud and Linode VPS mounting hard drive expansion

If you are with a hosting provider that uses WHMCS+VPS management platform architecture like Classic VPS, then you need to upgrade the entire VPS hosting package yourself to expand the hard drive. However, if you purchase a VPS host from a cloud host provider such as Linode, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, etc., then when the hard drive is full, it supports independent expansion of the hard drive.

Dynamic hard disk expansion of Linux independent servers and VPS hosts - LVM logical volume expansion and reduction methods

Recently, a new SSD server has been online. The cost of SSD is too high, so the online SSD hard drive cannot directly have a few TB capacity like HDD. It can only gradually expand the hard drive according to business needs, so the theme of this article is born: Linux Dynamically expand hard drive capacity while keeping original data unchanged.

Linux VPS host hard disk expansion method - VPS new hard disk partition mounting and hard disk dynamic expansion

When we use a VPS host, we often encounter the situation of increasing the hard drive capacity. For example, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, and Linode can directly add hard drives. If you use a SolusVM VPS host, you can directly increase the hard drive capacity in SolusVM. . However, after the hard disk capacity is expanded, we still need to manually mount the hard disk partition. Generally speaking, there are two ways to expand the hard disk of a Linux VPS host.

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