Let’s Encrypt Wildcard free domain name SSL certificate one-click application and SSL usage tutorial

When it comes to free SSL certificates, I definitely recommend Let’s Encrypt. It’s free to apply for, easy to install, and can be renewed indefinitely. Currently, the main website of wzfou.com uses Let’s Encrypt’s free SSL certificate. Some people worry that they cannot use Let’s Encrypt certificate without a VPS host. In fact, now you can directly apply for Let’s Encrypt online.

Apply and install letsencrypt free SSL certificate for your website in three simple steps - acme.sh automatically renews

I spent an hour last night to change the VPS monitoring SSL certificate from the original TrustAsia or Symantec personal DV SSL certificate to a letsencrypt free SSL certificate. The reason is Chrome 70 I will no longer trust the Symantec certificate. The Chromium browser I am using can no longer open websites with Symantec certificates. The Symantec personal DV SSL certificate is applied for at Tencent Cloud. In fact, domestic Alibaba Cloud, Qiniu Cloud, Youpai Cloud, etc.

TrustOcean Free Multi-Domain SSL Certificate and Buypass Go SSL Free SSL Certificate

HTTPS and SSL certificates are now essential tools for website building. For enterprises, it is generally recommended to choose a paid SSL certificate. Firstly, it can display the brand and image of your enterprise. Secondly, the price of paid SSL certificate is still affordable for the enterprise. For individuals, the numerous free SSL certificates are also quite good.

Eight tips for optimizing HTTPS and SSL - reducing waiting time and reducing HTTPS performance loss

As everyone's awareness of online security increases, and major Internet companies promote the popularization of HTTPS, HTTPS SSL has now basically become the standard for building websites. Thanks to the free SSL certificates provided by Let’s Encrypt, Digicert, TrustAsia, Symantec, etc., the cost of using HTTPS is now negligible whether it is a personal website or a corporate website.

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