Let the pictures fly for a while! Website image WebP format batch conversion settings and accelerated effect experience

Since the blog host is located abroad, although the classic CN2 GIA is used, the speed is much faster than that of a VPS host placed in an ordinary American computer room. However, writing articles requires inserting a large number of pictures, and WordPress has installed many Plug-ins (see: Summary of Wordpress plug-ins for digging websites) cause the browser to make a very large number of requests to access the page.

Youpaiyun CDN acceleration application tutorial - one-click mirroring, static dynamic CDN and free SSL

Youpaiyun CDN is a well-established CDN service provider in China. Youpaiyun has always been very distinctive in static CDN. Youpai has 6 data processing centers, more than 300 domestic CDN nodes, and 15 overseas CDN nodes, providing many services such as object storage, HTTPS/SSL certificates, multimedia processing, image recognition, and text recognition.

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