由於挖站否免費CN2空間用戶增多,近期總是出現半夜Mysql進程掛掉的情況,查詢了一下Mysql的錯誤日誌,提示有:[ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files,原來是因為open files不足導致資料庫掛掉了,尤其是晚上DirectAdmin系統備份時更是如此。

Linux系統預設的opens file是1024,可以使用ulimit -a 檢視,這個是系統級的限制,另外在mysql中預設的open files也是1024,很多時候這個數值無法滿足我們的建站需要,尤其是一個大型的網站和巨大型的資料庫中心,很容易就會出現Too many open files問題。

這篇文章就是來分享如何解決錯誤:[ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files的問題,更多的關於伺服器最佳化以及問題解決方法,參考:

  1. 讓圖片飛一會兒!網站圖片WebP格式批次轉換設定及加速效果體驗
  2. 巧用又拍雲端FTP和堅果雲WebDAV-打造個人檔案備份與資料雲端存儲
  3. VPS主機與伺服器安全防護:SSH修改連接埠,新增白名單,僅限金鑰登入




/var/log/messages (generic errors)

/var/log/messages (generic errors)


#Dovecot and vm-pop3d:

#named (bind):


#(on FreeBSD, they have "exim_" in front of the filenames)


#FreeBSD and Debian:


#To view a log file, run:
less /var/log/filename

#Where /var/log/filename is the path of the log you wish to view.  If the log is too large you can use the "tail" command:
tail -n 30 /var/log/filename

#Where 30 is the number of lines from the end you wish to view.


190902  3:16:52 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files
190902  3:21:08 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files
190902  3:25:24 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files
190902  3:29:40 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files
190902  3:33:56 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files
190902  3:38:12 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files
190902  3:42:28 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files
190902  3:46:44 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files
190902  3:51:00 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files
190902  3:55:16 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files
190902  3:59:32 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files
190902  4:03:48 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files
190902  4:08:04 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files
190902  4:12:20 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files
190902  4:16:37 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files
190902  4:20:53 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files
190902  4:25:09 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files
190902  4:29:25 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files
190902  4:33:41 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files
190902  4:37:57 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files
190902  4:42:13 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files
190902  4:46:29 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files
190902  4:50:45 [ERROR] Error in accept: Too many open files


2.1 查看限制

使用指令:ulimit -a可以檢視到本機的open_files_limit:

[root@sc3 ~]# ulimit -a
core file size          (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size           (kbytes, -d) unlimited
scheduling priority             (-e) 0
file size               (blocks, -f) unlimited
pending signals                 (-i) 15675
max locked memory       (kbytes, -l) 64
max memory size         (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files                      (-n) 1024
pipe size            (512 bytes, -p) 8
POSIX message queues     (bytes, -q) 819200
real-time priority              (-r) 0
stack size              (kbytes, -s) 8192
cpu time               (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes              (-u) 15675
virtual memory          (kbytes, -v) unlimited
file locks                      (-x) unlimited


#直接查看 open files限制数字
ulimit -n

#仅查看soft 和 hard open files limits :
ulimit -Hn
ulimit -Sn

#仅查看Mysql的open files limits:

su mysql ulimit -a

2.2 修改limits.conf



#To set the ceiling of the limits available (the max a soft or hard limit can be set by each user).
#NOTE: this is set by a PAM during authentication, and NOT at boot. 

vi /etc/security/limits.conf

#Add the following to bottom of file to set for everything *:

* soft nofile 1024000
* hard nofile 1024000
* soft nproc 10240
* hard nproc 10240

#To set only a specific user, like mysql then put in:

mysql hard nofile 1024000
mysql soft nofile 1024000

#Repeat for /etc/security/limits.d/90-nproc.conf

vi /etc/security/limits.d/90-nproc.conf

#Add the following:

* soft nofile 1024000
* hard nofile 1024000
* soft nproc 10240
* hard nproc 10240

#root soft nproc unlimited
#I selected '1024000', which is fairly high; you can surely set this lower to something like '102400',请根据自己的实际情况来设定数字


ulimit -Hn 1024000

#Edit /etc/init.d/mysqld and add this to the top, after #!/bin/sh
ulimit -HSn 1024
ulimit -HSn 32768
ulimit -HSn 1024000


打開vi /etc/security/limits.conf文件,在文件裡添加一行:* - nofile 32768,這樣就把open files調整到了32768

2.3 修改my.cnf文件

編輯:vi /etc/my.cnf,新增以下程式碼在 [mysqld]下方:

open_files_limit = 1024000


/etc/init.d/mysqld restart
service mysqld restart

2.4 查看是否生效


mysql -u root -p 
show global variables like 'open%';
mysql -u da_admin -p 
show global variables like 'open%';



如果你發現系統重開機後open files又恢復到了1024,依照下列指令修改設定 :

#One fix: simply restart mysqld after the system boots up.

service mysqld restart

#Another fix is to set these values at boot time before everything else (permanent):
vi /etc/init.d/mysqld

#Add the following:
ulimit -S -n ${DAEMON_FILES_LIMIT:-102400} >/dev/null 2>&1

#然后在 /etc/my.cnf 中添加以下内容:
open_files_limit = 102400
open_files_limit = 102400



當然,如果你不想修改系統設置,也可以使用root帳號,執行mysqld_safe腳本啟動MySQL(或使用mysql.server啟動),加上指令:–open-files-limit是可以成功設定的,因為mysqld_safe啟動MySQL時,其實是在啟動mysqld程式之前,先呼叫了ulimit -n $open_files來實作檔案描述符的限制。

./mysqld_safe --open-files-limit=25000 &
root@(none) 02:50:54>show variables like "%open_files_limit%";
| Variable_name    | Value |
| open_files_limit | 25000 |
