Alibaba Cloud Japan VPS Host Speed ​​Performance Evaluation-Japan SoftBank Hong Kong NTT Line

Alibaba Cloud's VPS host has always attracted me to use it because of its low price and convenient and practical backend control panel. I had always put on Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong VPS, but during the use, I gradually discovered two things. Problems: First, the IO read and write speed of the VPS host is too slow, causing SWAP to run very slowly after the memory is exhausted. Second, the Alibaba Cloud VPS host will be intermittently inaccessible for users of China Mobile and China Unicom (a small number of users reported on China Telecom).

Alibaba Cloud from getting started to giving up - A summary of Alibaba Cloud VPS, OSS, CDN and DNS usage experience

If you choose a VPS host in China, I’m afraid it’s either Alibaba Cloud VPS or Tencent Cloud VPS. The two companies have almost dominated the cloud computing market. Facts have proved that Alibaba Cloud's VPS host has a good price/performance ratio, especially the price of a 512MB VPS has been reduced to tens of dollars per month, making it difficult for other domestic VPS host providers to "parry". I have been using Alibaba Cloud for several years to build websites.

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