Aria2 one-click installation management script

Reprinted from

**System Requirements**

CentOS 6+ / Debian 6+ / Ubuntu 14.04 +

**installation steps**

Execute the following code to download and run the script:

Solution to the abnormal damage to ppt attachment caused by outlook update

I upgraded Outlook on my office computer from 2010 to 2013, and then the ppt file I sent as an attachment could not be opened on my own computer. It said it was damaged and asked for repair, but the repair was ineffective. The file was also damaged when I saved it. The email received by others was fine. I sent it There is no problem with excel, only the pptx file is damaged. I searched online and found the solution as follows. The cause of the file damage is unknown:

centos7 one-click upgrade to python3

Original author:


This script allows you to set up a Python3.6 development environment under Centos7.0 (unlike the ones online, this one contains many necessary libraries and will not be recompiled midway)

Usage tutorial:

Graph database Neo4j installation process record

Neo4j is a high-performance NOSQL graph database that stores structured data on the network instead of in tables.

This installation is performed on Alibaba Cloud centos7. The general process is as follows, and I would like to record it here:

Installation package download address Community version

The download server is abroad, and the download speed using domestic machines is extremely slow, about 20KB/s, and the installation package is 100M+. You can find a foreign vps to transfer it;

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