Classic VPS host, major VPS computer room IP and download speed tests and VPS host package list

Today someone asked about how to choose major computer rooms for classic VPS hosts. This article will sort out the speed test of major computer rooms for classic VPS hosts. Classic VPS hosting currently provides computer rooms in the United States, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Canada and other places. Among them, the United States has the largest number of computer rooms, mainly Los Angeles, Phoenix, Fremont, New Jersey, New York, Florida, etc.

Choose rationally! Comparison of the performance and speed of classic VPS hosts - one item deserves attention when building a website

Recently, because the system load of the website is often too high, I checked the reason is that after enabling SWAP due to memory exhaustion, the disk IOWait appears to be high. In my impression, the hard drive of a classic VPS host is an SSD, and the read and write speeds previously tested were as high as GB/s or above. In theory, such a good hard drive is very good for building a website. However, when I tested several classic VPS hosts I was using again, I found that the performance and speed of the classic VPS hosts were much lower than the previous test data.

Classic CN2 GIA VPS host configuration performance comparison - Can I build a website with 1GB CN2 GIA VPS?

The classic VPS host launched the CN2 GIA VPS host, which has been welcomed by many friends. The CN2 GIA VPS host package is often out of stock. After the recent replenishment, many friends asked whether it is possible to build a website with 1GB memory CN2 GIA VPS? Because I used Alibaba Cloud's 1GB memory Hong Kong VPS before, and there was indeed a bottleneck problem in disk IO and memory.

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