GigsGigsCloud US CN2 GIA VPS and Singapore and Hong Kong VPS host performance and speed

GigsGigsCloud is a VPS host provider from Hong Kong. Its main products are Hong Kong VPS hosts and servers, but now it also sells American CN2 GIA VPS and Singapore VPS hosts. Although the official website is in English, since it is run by Chinese people, the after-sales service is naturally in Chinese, and the official website also has a Telegram channel that often releases some preferential information. I have heard about GigsGigsCloud several times from friends.

Remember that aliyun host ECS was hacked for mining?

I accidentally discovered that the CPU usage of an ECS host in the backend of Alibaba Cloud has been near 100%. If I look closely, it is used to provide idle services to customers. Few people take care of it. After taking a closer look at the data, I found that the CPU has been at 100% for two weeks. , there is no abnormality in the memory, but the hard disk has sharp peaks every 1 minute. It is estimated that there is a problem with the cron job.

Commonly used statements of screen command under Linux

The screen command can establish an independent connection in the terminal and keep running after closing the terminal. It can be used for file transfer or long-running programs.

Installation: yum install screen

New: screen -S onename

View: screen -ls

Enter: screen -r onename

Complete exit: exit, equivalent to directly closing the terminal window

Keep the session and exit: Press Ctrl+A+D keys on the keyboard at the same time

Rclone usage tutorial and detailed explanation of common command parameters

Original address:

Rclone is a command-line tool that supports synchronization, uploading, and downloading data between different object storage and network disks. And through some settings, very practical functions such as offline downloading and server backup can be realized. This article will explain some commonly used command parameters of Rclone.

Install Rclone

The official one-click installation script is provided:

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