OneDrive turns into an external network disk - Aria2+Aria2Ng+OneIndex automatically uploads to OneDrive

OneDrive, full name Microsoft OneDrive, formerly known as Windows Live SkyDrive, is a network hard drive and cloud service launched by Microsoft. Due to a trademark dispute with BSkyB, Microsoft announced in January 2014 that SkyDrive would be renamed OneDrive. OneDrive, formerly SkyDrive, started in 2007 and has been running for more than ten years.

Three ways to share folder directories in Linux - NFS remote mounting, GlusterFS shared storage and samba shared directories

Because I like to look for cheap VPS and have to change servers frequently, website relocation has become a common thing. For large website data, it is best to transfer data directly between computer rooms. The three commonly used command tools Rsync, SCP, and Tar can help us quickly solve VPS remote website relocation and data synchronization.

Raspberry Pi: Ten issues in building a low-cost NAS storage home server

I have a Raspberry Pi 2 in my hand and a spare mobile hard drive. I am thinking of using the Raspberry Pi and the mobile hard drive to build a low-cost NAS. Just a while ago, I was struggling with how to download and build Nextcloud offline. Installing Aria2 on Raspberry Pi is also a very simple matter.

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