Nextcloud is an excellent choice for personal cloud storage: one-click automatic installation method and cloud disk usage experience

When building personal cloud storage, one usually thinks of ownCloud, which is a classic self-built cloud storage service. Nextcloud is a so-called "next generation" storage built by the original development team of ownCloud. At first glance, I thought it had a "sounding" tone. It redefined Cloud as soon as it was launched. After actually trying it out, I wholeheartedly agree with Nextcloud: it is an excellent choice for personal cloud storage services.

Ready-to-use out of the box - simple and practical ImgURL photo album program and Zdir directory listing program (file manager)

Although photos and file storage can now be uploaded to network disks, domestic network disks are still a little different from foreign network disk storage. Take the comparison between Baidu Netdisk and Dropbox as an example. Baidu Netdisk is at best a network hard drive used by individuals to store private photos and files. If it is used for sharing, it can easily be restricted or canceled by Baidu for downloading.

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