centos7 one-click upgrade to python3

Original author: https://github.com/LunacyZeus/Python3.6-for-Centos7.0


This script allows you to set up a Python3.6 development environment under Centos7.0 (unlike the ones online, this one contains many necessary libraries and will not be recompiled midway)

Usage tutorial:

Graph database Neo4j installation process record

Neo4j is a high-performance NOSQL graph database that stores structured data on the network instead of in tables.

This installation is performed on Alibaba Cloud centos7. The general process is as follows, and I would like to record it here:

Installation package download address https://neo4j.com/download-center/#community Community version

The download server is abroad, and the download speed using domestic machines is extremely slow, about 20KB/s, and the installation package is 100M+. You can find a foreign vps to transfer it;

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