Nextcloud offline download construction method-integrate Aria2, AriaNg, and Aria2 WebUI to achieve offline downloading

Nextcloud is a very excellent private cloud storage service. Using the Snap installation method provided by the official website, you can set up the Nextcloud cloud storage platform in almost a few minutes. Nextcloud provides a rich application interface. You can not only use Nextcloud as a network disk, but also view documents, pictures, and play video and music online.

Windows and Linux installation use Aria2 to download resources offline and manage files online to play videos

Since QQ Tornado, Xunlei and other download tools have been "obsolete", it has now become "difficult" to download a video resource. Previously we shared Aria2 offline download + PotPlayer and Kodi local viewing. Many friends saw the great potential of Aria2 because it supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent and Metalink downloads.

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