Three ways to share folder directories in Linux - NFS remote mounting, GlusterFS shared storage and samba shared directories

Because I like to look for cheap VPS and have to change servers frequently, website relocation has become a common thing. For large website data, it is best to transfer data directly between computer rooms. The three commonly used command tools Rsync, SCP, and Tar can help us quickly solve VPS remote website relocation and data synchronization.

Linux mounting hard drive expansion method - Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud and Linode VPS mounting hard drive expansion

If you are with a hosting provider that uses WHMCS+VPS management platform architecture like Classic VPS, then you need to upgrade the entire VPS hosting package yourself to expand the hard drive. However, if you purchase a VPS host from a cloud host provider such as Linode, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, etc., then when the hard drive is full, it supports independent expansion of the hard drive.

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