Domestic VPS hosts have natural speed advantages, so this article only discusses the acceleration methods of foreign VPS hosts. The reason is that after many friends purchased its Yunfou host, they found that the test speed was somewhat inconsistent with the evaluation. The main reason for this was caused by problems with the US lines and differences in network environments in various places.

From the current point of view, region has a great influence on the speed of VPS hosts. Generally speaking, the speed of VPS hosts in the Asia-Pacific region (Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea) is better than that of the United States, Europe and other places. However, affected by line fluctuations, the United States CN2 GIA line It undoubtedly has a huge advantage, followed by the CN2 line, and the latest Portland line is said to have good speeds.

Judging from my experience, whether you choose CN2 GIA in the United States or a VPS host in the Asia-Pacific region such as South Korea, it is best to install "software acceleration" and get a "powerful version" if necessary, so as to cope with the Internet peak at night. network lag. Regarding how to choose a VPS host, you can refer to: VPS host ranking list.

VPS host acceleration method-increase the connection speed of VPS host through software

More VPS hosting and website acceleration methods include:

  1. How to enable Nginx fastcgi_cache cache acceleration in WordPress - Nginx configuration example
  2. Cloudflare Partner access management Cloudflare CDN-enable Railgun dynamic acceleration
  3. Self-built CDN acceleration-Nginx reverse binding, cache acceleration, automatically update cache and obtain real IP

1. One-click installation script


  1. HTTPS://do.Am I .net/shell/VPS accelerated.Yes

At present, VPS host software acceleration scripts are very good in Qiu XX and Mo XX versions. You can click to download them locally and open them with Notepad. The installation script is very simple, just copy and paste. As shown below:

2. Script installation method

The installation of Qiu XX is very simple, just one line of command and confirm the installation. Note that it will be automatically enabled if the kernel is greater than or equal to 4.9.

Magic XX has many installation options, please choose according to your needs.

The successful installation is as follows:

3. VPS acceleration effect

Taking its Yunfou host as an example, the VPS host with non-CN2 lines in my place (Telecom) will be laggy at night, and the speed of the acceleration script is not used.

The speed of the accelerated script has been improved several times.

Without using the acceleration script, the VPS host of the CN2 line at my place (Telecom) was several hundred KB/s at night.

After using the acceleration script, CN2 VPS returned to "normal" speed.

4. Summary

The principle of acceleration in both scripts is the same, the difference lies in the modification of parameters. During the actual test, the Magic XX version was better than the Qiu XX version in dealing with severe network lag.

Of course, there are huge differences in network environments in different places. It is recommended that you install two scripts on your own VPS host for comparison to find the one that suits you best.

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