is a newly established IDC by Chinese people. It provides VPS hosts in France, South Korea and other places. After looking at the official website, it provides French OVH servers. The backhaul line is connected to CN2. The price/performance ratio is relatively high among its peers. France OVH server memory 1GB monthly traffic is not limited to 500GB shared bandwidth, and the monthly payment price is 39 yuan.

I have been looking for a VPS host on the European CN2 line. Currently, there are known Dediserve Austria Vienna computer room CN2 VPS and's Frankfurt CN2 VPS. The monthly payment price of the former is 16 euros, and the latter is not yet available directly. Purchasing requires a certain amount of financial strength to enjoy it. However, the line quality of these two companies is good. This is the monitoring report .

Therefore, compared with Dediserve,, etc., the price of server is quite cheap. However, judging from my test data, the line quality of is not as good as that of Dediserve and The download speed is sometimes fast and sometimes slow. It may be that there are some minor problems in the VPS host management just now. French OVH server performance and speed evaluation-One-way CN2 line is cheap and the speed needs to be improved

In short, the one-way CN2 line of is more suitable for users who want French IP, because the speed of connecting to China needs to be improved. For more CN2 line VPS hosts, you can also check out the special page: Summary of VPS host providers and computer rooms with access to CN2 lines. The following VPS hosts also provide VPS for computer rooms in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, etc.:

  1. Vultr Japanese and American VPS host performance and speed evaluation - multi-machine room KVM architecture with customizable ISO
  2. Host1plus cheap VPS host review - Alipay payment available and owns computer rooms in the United States, Germany and Brazil
  3. Linode Excellent VPS Hosting Experience-Linode VPS Performance Speed ​​Evaluation and Usage Issues

PS: Updated on December 12, 2017 , here is a Hong Kong and Japanese computer room VPS host run by a Chinese: BingGanYun Hong Kong, Japan and the United States VPS host performance and speed evaluation-Hong Kong WTT KVM.

1. French OVH VPS price

PS: Updated on September 8, 2019, has closed down and is running away. For more bankrupt VPS merchants, you can check this list: Summary of bankrupt VPS host merchants - running away VPS host and server merchants list. official website:

  1. HTTPS://IDC.First

Currently, the cheapest package is 1* uses French OVH servers. The official website states N2 backhaul optimization & Golden Shield CC defense & 680G Anti-DDos. The actual protection capabilities need to be experienced in person to know. There is currently a discount code of 12% off NationalDay.

  1. Official website demonstration site:

2. Performance of French VPS host

This is the UnixBench score of a VPS host with 1GB of memory. It reached 1900, which is still good. (Click to enlarge)

This is the configuration information of the VPS host. The IO read and write speed is medium, around 380MB/s.

VPS host performance test reference: Three free tools to help you detect the authenticity of the VPS server - VPS host performance and speed test methods.

3. French VPS host speed

The speed of the French OVH server is what I am most concerned about. This is the bandwidth of the computer room tested, which is relatively sufficient.

This is the speed of the server tested with the Speedtest node, which is pretty good.

Directly use SFTP to log in to the server and download the file to the local. The speed is not very fast, about three hundred.

This is the local upload speed of the server. The test environment is Telecom and reaches full speed.

This is Telecom Ping to the French VPS host of, first to the UK and then to France.

This is a detour when China Unicom's Ping to the French VPS host of first passes through the United States and then to France.

The return trip of French VPS takes CN2. Reference: Identify the true and false CN2 line host reference manual, test the French VPS Telecom backhaul through the CN2 line.

The return trip of France VPS to China Unicom also takes the CN2 line.

However, mobile users take a detour on their return journey, first passing through Hong Kong and then returning to the country.

4. Summary

The French VPS host of is quite cost-effective, especially since the return trip takes the CN2 line, which is much faster than the European VPS host to a certain extent. Except that the IO and download speeds are not very fast, everything else performs well.

However, the stability of, a VPS host, remains to be seen. After all, it is a newly established VPS host. Some details need to be improved, especially the line speed, which is good and bad. Everyone should do this well when using it. data backup.

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