interface address:

Data format: The default is 302 jump image URL, which can be referenced by the img tag. Adding the parameter?f=json can return a json string, including the image URL address and text introduction. The example is as follows

{"url":"","text":"美国田纳西州大烟山国家公园,亚历克斯科尔的小屋 (© Adam Jones/Getty Images) © (Bing China)"}

Picture content: The pictures are all background wallpapers of Bing search pages over the years. There will be incremental additions in recent updates. The default is to randomly return one picture. You can add the parameter ?key=word search filter. String matching will be performed according to the official text introduction. , if a result is matched, one will be randomly returned from the results. If there is no result, a random one unrelated to the search will be returned.中国
{"url":"","text":"中国西藏江孜白居寺的近景 (© Jim Holmes/Axiom Photographic Agency/Getty Images) © (Bing China)"}中国

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